
I'm just sitting here, with about 45 minutes to spare before I go to work, so I figured I would kill some time before I go by doing this. My friend Erin made some comment about how nobody ever really reads these things, and she has a point. The only time people read mine are when I have titles of "Screw Whitey" or "Drug Laws". I only write in here out of boredom, though, or at least to just get rants out before I take them out on random members of the community. I mean, sure that's fun, but since the only time I'm really dealing with people is at work, I dont wanna get fired...I mean, I dont have a problem with getting warnings, but fired is a little different. Anyway, the reason that they are going on strike is because Kroger wants to cut their Sunday and holiday pay, and they want to charge more for health insurance. In all honesty, I really have not a damn thing to gain or lose if they change anything, but I'm striking for the whole "support the union" thing. I'm not likely to leave because I actually like the job, and it won't last that long if we do go on strike. And I'm not likely to cross the picket line, in fact there's no chance of that actually happening because my entire family is involved in the unions, so I'm not going to go around and not support any union. That, and I like starting shit, and it'll give a chance to think customers are total dicks for shopping there when we're on strike. I mean, if nothing else, it gives me something to do for 28 hours a week. Plus, since we're going on strike, the people who might take our place we don't want them to have it too easy, so yesterday I got bored and would just switch the signs for the Mens and Womens bathrooms around so people would go in the wrong ones. I know, I know, cheap laugh and it was immature, but it was really funny at the time...besides, you find stuff to amuse you when you're working with machines for an eight hour shift! Anyway, I am outta here, get to go to work...YAY!! (Heavy sarcasm) G. W. BUSH: "What a great group of people we have here: the haves...and the have mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base." --FARENHEIT 9/11 (IN 19 DAYS)
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I told you that no one ever reads my diary but I don't care anymore, I just update for me ... I got your message, did you guys break in or what? God Paul, details details ... its all about the details ...
I can't freakin wait to start college because I'm going to meet so many new people and make so many new friends. I'm not scared but ready!

My tattoo hurt like a bitch but I gotta keep it on the DL because my mom doesn't know about it ...