When will you stop and remember

Listening to: For you - Coldplay
Feeling: slothful
i woke up from good sleep by my cough ive had more almost 2 weeks. i still wont go to the doctor. gah im bad. and sleepy. i figured writing something down will chillax my nerves so i can get some restful 5 hours or less of sleep. day light saving sucks. im losing an hour of sleep that i have to fight for nomally. now i can't even fight for it. on friday i played dress up with my neighbors and saturday i went bowling. i suck at bowling. it was fun but i suck. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com i love coldplay. it puts me at ease and to sleep. i feel safe i feel warm.. and i do no wrong.. i am pure when im buy your side im alright im alright Image hosted by Photobucket.com i had dreams last night that were ugly. i don't normally have ugly dreams. im kinda afraid that i'll have one again. i didnt like it. my mom said someone was talking abotu me. that's why i dreamed what i did. uhh i hope they aren't talking anymore its late. i need a nap. i want my grandma's soup with the egg and the tortilla. not right now now but i miss it. Image hosted by Photobucket.com **** i skipped school i shouldn't have since i have tests tomorrow and wednesday. oh well. i found this though you know your a real mexican when.... You have ever been hit by a chancla. (a chancla is a sandal, for those spanish deprived few) You grew up scared by something called "El Cucuy." Others tell you to stop screaming when you are really just talking.(that's me alright!) You light a candle on the night of the Lotto drawing. You use your lips to point something out. You constantly refer to cereal as "con fleis". Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner even if it's a one bedroom apartment. You can dance ranchera, cumbia or salsa without music. You use "manteca" (lard) instead of olive oil and can't figure out why your butt is getting bigger. You call your sneakers "tenees". You have at least thirty cousins.(i have 45) You can't imagine anyone not liking spicy food. You are in a 5-passenger car with 7 people in it and a person shouting "subanse, todavia caben" (get in, there's still room). (on like a million occations) Whenever you feel under the weather, you compulsively dab on some "Vics" vapor rub all over your chest and inside your nostrils. (my dad! and then he tries to rub it on the rest of us.) Your mom packs your "lonchera" everyday. (not mine, my dad's) You or someone you know uses "Tres Flores" in their hair. Tamales, champurrado, posole and menudo are must haves on Thanksgiving. There is more Budweiser than punch at little Juanito's birthday party. There is at least one member in your family name Maria, Guadalupe, Juan, Jose, or Jesus. Everyone still thinks Cesar Chavez is the best boxer even if he lost against Oscar De La Hoya. You've gone to the Pulgamarket every weekend for years. (only when i was really small) You step into a house that has all those little figurines taking up every inch of space on/under the TV. You have a porcelain cat, dog, Buddha, or elephant in your living room. You have plastic slipcovers on your sofas. You swear "Choco Milk" is the same as Slim Fast and try to lose weight by drinking it. You have a drunk uncle/aunt. You're still afraid to open that umbrella in your house. You not only know who Don Francisco from Sabado Gigante is, but you tell people he's your tio. Your mother, tia or hermana's hair is blackcherry, "Sun in" red or a burgundy that would make Celia Cruz jealous.(tia anabell) You always try to find out what town another fellow Latino's family is from. You have ever had to "beepiar" a friend on their pager. You wear your Sunday best to do laundry at the laundrymat and go grocery shopping. You have told your kid not to walk the floor barefoot or they'll catch a cold. (so this is not true?) You go to a wedding or Quiencienera, gossip about how bad the comida is, but be the first to take a plato to go. You have a bottle of Tapatio in your purse. (not Tapatio but there is usually something there) Your cousins are delinquents / hootchies. You have a chola in your barrio named "La Flaca" who's bigger than a house. You think Cristina trumps Oprah any day. You have a cousin named "Guero" who's darker than night. You know a chola named "La Shy Girl" who is loud and obnoxious. You need to point out how much something you just bought cost. (my shirt was like less than 10 cents) You go to a white friends house for dinner and don't understand the concept of sitting at a table. You've tried to bring a mango back to the US from Mexico, and a bonus point if you actually made it all the way home with it. You have a bottle of Bacardi or Tequila in your house right now. You drive a "Cheby", an "Ohsmobeel" or a "Bolswahgon" You're proud to be Mexican - and you pass these jokes on to all your Mexican friends!
Totally Japanese!
Congratulations! You scored 116!
You're Totally Japanese! You're more Japanese than the Japanese. You like the food, the history, the anime, the music and....the country. The only question I have for you is - are you American or are you really Japanese?!?!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 67% on ramenpoints
Link: The Stereotypical Japanese Test written by Oreganocheffer on OkCupid Online Dating
Read 6 comments
did you know
that I love you?

did you know
that every morning my first thought is you?

did you know
where ever I go I take you with me?

did you know
with you is the only place I belong?

did you know
I thank God and pray for you?

did you know
I love you?

pretty awesome spitter
okay, okay, so that's not you right. Painfully adorable
haha. should i take some sunscreen!?!?! and some sunglasses!??! mmm?? m??
i'm like.. half mexican according to that...
ah!! you are more japaneseXcore than me! calm down! now i dunno if im gonna go to the nude beach with you!! haha. j/k im still goin!