F@*# M@#$%@# YEAH

Listening to: HoouRah
Feeling: elated
omg. finally. i finished my tests. im all done. whoopie. im sooo glad. today was bio and Amer Hert. yesterday was Anthropoloy. day before Poli Sci. i studied sooo much. and the bio final would have been MAD hard if i hadn't studied at all. it was 80 questions. i took about 15 minutes to finish, Amer Hert i took an hour cause it was online adn i could have my notes. my score was 66 outta 79. so thats like an 83 or somethings. lets see how my final grade turns out. whoopie. im leaving this weekend to the wedding. im kinda excited to go down for the weekedn before its back to work full time for the summer. im prolly not gonna end up doing what i wanted which was to take a trip somewhere. but hopefully june will be good to the future 20 yr old me. jolly good, rice & peas & chikin stuffin's
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hey can you tell nightshade i love him still and i am sorry for messing up. but he needs to stop living in the past.