Happy 20th to me!

well today's plans aren't definate but im excited to have the beach waiting for me... my dad got me a room really cheap with is kewl two bed w/ a jacuzzi so whoever makes it can stay if they want or more room for me to jump on im happy to spend my day just with my family and frank and my friends the only bad thing is that i caught a cold friday night and have fever since then and ive been taking meds and it comes and goes so im hoping it finally stays away and i cut my hair like i said i was yee haw! supa short. im happy with it. i went to a place and got lucky with a person who knew what they were doing! thanks to celina who called me as soon as midnight rolled around!! and to david P. too ! im getting excited and i dont wanna go back to sleep seeing as how its not 1 am yet and technically it isnt my bday unitl 2 am but shhhh!! its okay im fine with that. Lets all have wonderful day !! wheee
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Happy Birthday..
the big 2-0!!!

oh man!!!!
i LOVEEEE when u go to a place and you get a raelly really good hair person! oh man. lucky!

happy bday jess!!
Hooray for haircuts!!! I need one too... shhhh! :)