Listening to: NOTHING --- At school
Feeling: reluctant
Hey! I'm back from spring break. Tuesday night we did papers then went to GI, but it was too late and all the parties were dead, so we came back in town. I had to be home at 10 in the morning so we all stayed at Zeek's house. Then wed. mom took me and Alex and my bro and sis to Kearney we went to BK then the mall to shop for prom but had little luck so then we got back in town and me and Alex had $ for gas so we could go to GI again went to shane's picked up Zeek, and i had to be the one to wake his sleepin ass up. THen we went to GI got Barcardi Silver and headed to Blue's got fucked up - and felt really good!! Did papers dropped off Zeek - me and Alex came to my house slept til 11:30 went upstairs ate came back down slept til 2, mom came home. Me and Alex left waited all day for shane. Got Zeek I came home after we did papers.
Friday me and Alex waited til 4 am in the Post Office for he guys then helped them with Shelton deliveries went out to Zeek's and spent the night Shane and Alex slept while me and Zeek stayed up talking all morning at 8 Shane left. And while Robbie and Kt were talking I slpet for 2 hours in his arms. SHane came back and left. Me and Alex were demanding food so we made Robbie get up and make something--he made mac & Cheese w/hamburger. Then my mom called and said i had to be home in an hour-but it takes two hours to get home from Zeek's by walking(He lives in the country) so we got home at 3---we walked 8 minutes a mile. So we did pretty good ya know our legs fucking hurt and we were hot-Alex went home and slept so me and Zeek went and sat in the park but the wind was real chilly so i suggested wo go and sit in the dugouts.
We came out and underclassmen were like "ohh you guys just got done having sex and we were like no ok whatever-went to my house then my mom called and asked if we took Zeek's mom's check book and forged her name and wrote 2 checks of $100, and $50 and we didnt' so Zeek had to get home to his mom so she didn't call the cops on he could talk to her and say he was the one to do it even tho he wasn't just so we wouldn't be the one's in trouble, he told me not to worry if he said this cause his mom wouldn't do anything except make him move out, so we went to talk to shane while shan'es mom wasn't there then we went out ot Robbie's and his mom wasn't home then we went to do paper and I'm all scared and worried about what's gonna happen to Zeek cause he' gonna do this. And i slept the whole time in the car (whoops) ahh well...then we took Zeek home he held me in his arms for a while...
Cause his mom's moving w/o tellin him and if hi sister don't let him stay with her he's goin back to O'Neill so i was all scared and sad and he had tears in his eyes too, when he told me what he was gonna do he said if you were able to come I'd be more then happy to let you ...I'lll have aplace to stay a definite job and save up money to get my own place to live and when you turn 18 you can come down-It's not like i"m breaking up with you thn i said but i thought you said long distance relationships never work and it hurts me that you don't plan to come see me and he's like I can save up to get a car then i could come get you for the weekend or something.
Then Sat. Nite shane comes to get me and alex and he doesnt' have zeek in the car-I'm scared my heart drops to the pit of my stomach, and shane's like zeek didn't answer the door and I shown the brights in his room pounded on his window but he didn't answer,I'm all worried he's in O'Neill or in jail-but then they say well you know how he sleeps so maybe he just didn't wake up. I'm liek maybe so was worried all night! and all day til i got mom to let me take the Olds out with her and drive around went to zeek's and saw the tv on I walked in and he was asleep on the couch my heart jumped from the pit of my stomack to my throat. I was so releived. I jumped on him woke him up gave him a hug and kisses and told him what i thought and he wrapped his arms around me and held me real close and said nothing happened with his mom she only told him to not do it again-and he slept last night and he's like don't worry I'm here .Than that made my day. My BABY'S STILL HERE!!! YAY!:) He better not scare me like that again!
Bye love and butterflies. Riah Lee!
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