96.Where's Alex?

^.^This week’s been very interesting…just been working on Prom mostly. I have to do a reaction paper for Government about Euthanasia…when he first announced it we all thought he was talking about ‘youth in Asia’ yea but it’s completely different than that lol umm yea well I was late for school today because Alex didn’t come pick me, and the secretary in the office doesn’t know where she is…the only other thought is that she’s on the stage setting up for Prom or she just overslept…but I had to walk and that blew ass!! And i just found out alot of people aren't going to post prom...so i don't know! I'm so freaking tired awh! it sucks! well love and butterflies! Riah Lee I LOVE YOU ALEX even THO you LEFT ME HIGH AND DRY!!!x.X
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indeed it is
hey ? how do i set a picture as my background
Yea...I saw it last weekend with my g/f and cousin. It was pretty good, not as scary as the previews made it sound, but I liked it. How are ya?