Today's the last of day of school...12 minutes each class period...then off to games and movies...whoo hoo...actually it's pretty boring! Well believe it or not but I actually stayed and got into a game that zeek was playing I guess there's a first thing for everything...well love and butterflies! riah lee...I wear and do what I like. Stuff fashion and your scary pop music.

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna

You're Elizabeth Swan, governer's daughter. Every pervy orlando-fancier hates you.
Which POTC character are you?
this quiz was made by alanna

Do you cluck or do you roar?
this quiz was made by alannaYou are..
A Rooster!
So you don't quite cluck, in fact, you cockle-doodle-doo. You're more brave than a chicken, but not completely fearless... thus I name you... a rooster. Good for you, but stay away from those sharp objects ;)
We still have 6 days after today.
last day of school is a monday... it's weird.
party on!