
wow me

Created by LaLa1589 and taken 17 times on bzoink!

about u
where u liveNebraska
i have...
smoked a ciggyes
smoked weedyes
done drugsyes
gotten totally wastedyes
made outyes
rounded 1st base...yes
rounded 2nd...yes
rounded 3rd...yes
gone all the wayyes
kissed the opposite sexno
i have/am...
color of hairbrown
eye colorhazel
skin colorpeachy
short or tallshortee
anything piercedears
tatoosnext weekend
big boobs/ big wangyes
this or that...
boys or girlsboys
coke or pepsipepsi
tall or shortshort
rock or raprap
big butt or small buttsmall
war or peacepeace
white or blackblack
blonde or brunettebrunette
cats or dogscats
bandgolden gnome
radio station106
ice creamsnickers

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The Perfect Guy

Created by madhatter and taken 17215 times on bzoink!

Hair color?any
Eye color?any
Height?taller than me
Six pack?yes
Long hair or short?short
Glasses?sure it doesn't matter
Piercings?eyebrow, lip, tongue, ears
Big butt or little?not too big
Chest hair?slightly but NOT aLoT
Buff or skinny?not too buff but not too skinny
Teeth?all of them
Section 2
Funny or serious?funny
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?party hopper at times
Should he be able to bake or cook?yes
Does he have a best friend?everyone should
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?it should mean he's understanding
Out-going or shy?out-going
Sarcastic or sincere?sincere
Does he love his mother?yess
Should he watch chick-flicks?sometimes
Would he be a smoker?doesnt' matter
How about a drinking?sometimes but not heavily
And swearing?yes
Would he play with your hair?yes
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?NO AbSoLuTeLy NoT
Would he pay for you when you're on a date?sometimes--yes
Does he kiss on the first date?yes
Where would you go for dinner?anywhere where i can get to know him
Would he buy you flowers?just random occasions...not all the time
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies?yes
Would he write poetry about you?that's kinda gay for a guy...but if he means it sure
Would he use endearments?whatever that is?
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends?YeS
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends?YES
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening?that's sweet
Would you hold hands?yes
Section 3
Does he play soccer?sure
Water polo?no
Golf or something equally boring?no
Does he surf?yEs
Can he sing?YeS
Play the guitar?yEs
Play piano?Yeah...sure
Play the drums?YES
Can he keep his room clean?sometimes
Is he an artist of sorts?yes
Does he write his own music?yes
Does he have pets?yes, a cat or dog
Section 4
Does he use the word dude?no
How about tight?sure
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you?yes
What kind of car does he drive?a car that runs
How old is he?not too old
What's his name?RoBbIe(this is a dream right?)

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