[Smell]: vanilla
[Band]: Golden Gnome
[Fruit]: kiwi
[Shoes]: adidas
[CD]: all of the Tupac cds
[Perfume]: Adidas for women, Vanilla Fields
[Taste]: that of strawberries
[Animal]: black panther
[Place]: it’s not in shelton
[Movies]: Tupac Resurrection
[Song]: Love Is Blind
[Weapon]: … words and FISTS
[Vegetable]: tomato is not a veggie its a fruit! anyways!.. umm.. greenbeans
[Drink]: Pepsi.. CODE RED! n now... cherry vinilla dr.pep. ;D thnx kiiann!
[Alcoholic Drink]:...Bacardi, and code red and vodka (yum)
[Toy as a child]: Barbie
[Least favorite thing in the world]: preps!
||[In ThE LaSt 24 HoUrs HaVe YoU...]||
[Cried]: yes
[Bought something]: NO damnit I have no money!
[Gotten sick]: a cold:( it’s all alex’z fault
[Killed a kitten]: NO! .. evil!!!!
[Sang]: sure did…I LOVE FOAMY!!!
[Eaten]: school lunch…that’s probably why I’m sick!
[Consumed anything illegal]: not me!
[Felt stupid]: umm…NOPE
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn’t]: no sure haven’t
[Met someone new]: no
[Moved on]: from nothing
[Got it on]: umm…that was 48 hrs ago
[Talked to an ex]: no
[Missed an ex]: no
[Talked to someone you want]: yes
[Had a serious talk]: yes
[Hugged someone]: yes
[Fought with someone]: yes
[Laughed]: damned alex!
[Dreamed]: omg yes…and it was fucked up!
[Have you known the longest]: My Mom…umm…yea my mom
[Argue with the most]: ....everyone?
[Always get along with]: my cat
[Wish you knew better]: everyone
[Believes in you]: umm..ME
[Makes you laugh]:me myself and I!
[Has been there through the hard times with you]: me
[Has the coolest parents]: Taylor Aden Dieken…(my baby!!)
[..coolest siblings]: Zeek!!
[Smartest]: the smartest? Mandy…yea Mandy
[Most blunt]: ME
[Smokes the most blunts]: Drew
[Do you like your name]: NO if I did I wouldn’t have changed it! *Ezuriah Lee* which i have!:))
[Named after anyone]: nope
[Do you wish on stars]: YES I SURE DO
[Piercings (want/have)]:ears… ‘n after I turn 18 I want a lot more!
[Tattoos (want/have)]: NOPE until after I turn 18! I want like 7
[Role model]: ME
[Do looks matter]: no
[Do you like your handwritting]: no! it’s so sloppy.
[Liked someone you have no chance with]: used to along time ago
[Ever cried over the opposite sex]: yes…why do I still love you so much even tho u always hurt me?
[... the same sex]: nope
[Do you have a type of person you go for]: my man
[...does it ever work out]: yes
[Bad habits]: bitching, and procrastinating
[When did you cry last]: the other day
[#1 priority in life]: being happy
[Ever lied to your best friends]: yes
[Do you like your nose]: yes it’s little and cute!
[Lied on a dumb quiz]: nope
[Wanted revenge on someone who hurt you]: FUCK YEAH
[Dump or be dumped]: Dump
[Relationship or hookup]:.relationship
[What age did you find out Santa Clause wasn't real]: WHAT SANTA’ S NOT REAL?????????
[Want someone you don't have right now]: no
[Ever liked your best friend’s man]: never
[Marriage]: yes…soon hopefully 0=)
[Pitter patter of little feet]: YES…yess…YESS
[How do you release anger]: yelling…fighting…umm…etc..
[Something you want to understand better]: my b/f
[Favorite part of your physical appearance]: umm my man wants me
[Do you think you can draw well]: sometimes
[Ever happy]: sometimes…just because of FOAMY!!
[What do you want to change]: My whole life!
[Deathly afraid of]: snakes, spiders, demons…
[Believe in forgiveness]: yes
[Abortion]: NO! that’s like asking if I agree with killing innocence!!
[Gay Marriage]: go for it…it’s against my religion but if that’s what u want don’t PDA in front of me
[Where is your second home]: Robbie’s house, or Kt’s but I don’t think I’m wanted around there…
||[HaVe YoU]||
[Been dropped on your head]: not that I recall…
[Been rejected]: yea…you fucking loserz!
[..does it still burn?]: no
[Been in love]: Yes
[Used someone]: nope…never!
[Used multiple people at once ;)]: Never!! I’m not like that!!
[Done something you regret]: umm…yea…
[Ever told a secret you swore not to tell]: NO!
[Ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid]: situation came out situtation
[Been in a car accident]: once by myself and once with mom…she was the one driving!!
[Wisdom teeth]: NO…I was born without them the dentist said…cause it didn’t see them under the gum in the x-ray…GO ME
||[LaSt PeRsOn YoU..]||
[Talked to]: Tim
[Instant Messaged]: Rach
[Yelled at]: I ono
[Laughed with]: Foamy
[Broke your heart]: no one
[Told you loved]: zeek
||[Do YoU]||
[Color your hair]: yes!
[Have a significant other]: Yes
[Own a webcam]: NO
[Own a thong]: yes…a lot I might add 0=)
[Lie]: If I have to
[Ever get off the damn computer]: yes
[Forget]: I forgive but I don’t forget!!
[Want to forget but can’t]: yes!!!!!!!!!
[Own a lot of shoes]: no just a couple
[Write really bad poetry]: yea
[Snore]: I’ve been told I do but I don’t know
[Lick stamps]: yes….no I wipe my ass with them
[Use an electric can opener]: YEAH>.>
[Think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow]: yes!!!!!!!!!! n I’ma get it...ONE DAY…just watch..
[Trust easily]: no
||[HaVe YoU//Do YoU//ArE YoU]||
[Stolen]: yes...
[Smoked]:. yes.
[Obsessive]: ...yes...
[Compulsive]: ...yes...
[Obsessive compulsive]: ...yes...
[Panic]: yes
[Ridden in a hot air ballon]: nope
[Anxiety]: yeah
[Depressed]: yes
[Suicidal]: sometimes
[Trendy]: hahah! NO
[Have a journal]: yes
[Use sarcasm]: yea all the time
[Trustworthy]: yes…but obviously people don’t seem to think so!
[Nickname]: Amy, Aimz, Aizha, Ezuriah, Riah Lee
[Going to college/university]: maybe
[A Daredevil]: kinda
[Ever been to another country]: no
[Obsessed with hate]: certain people…yea!
[Strong]: wanna see??!!
[Dream of mutilated bodies, blood death and gore]: can’t say that I have
[Ouiji board]: Nope and I never NEVER WILL!!
[Loyal]: yes…
[Like emo]: I love EMO!!
[Been on TV]: nope not me never me! Unless it’s home movies..then…
[If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be]: anywhere but Shelton preferably in my man’s arms
[Can you do anything freakish with your body]: CRAZY EYES seriously it’s freakish…I may b growing out of it now tho…
[What facial feature you do find most attractive]: Eyes…sexy eyes…
[Would you vote for a woman president]: fuck yea…women need to have the right to b president too!! Starting with me..VOTE FOR ME!!
[...what if she had three boobs?]: I would cut one off…I would like die or something!!
[Would you marry for money]: no I have morals damnit!!!
[Ever had braces]: no…but I need to …
[Do you like hairy backs]: ewww gross.....its called wax...USE IT
[Could you live without a computer]: it would be no fun at all it’s like the greatest invention!!
[How many people are on your msn list]: too many to count…
[...how many of them do you like]: some of them
[If you could live in the past, where would you be]: with zakary, or the summer me and zeek started dating
[Do you wear white socks]: yes
[Whole wheat bread or white bread]: WHITE!
[Favorite place to visit]: not here
[What’s the last movie you saw]: don’t watch tv much…I think it was butterfly effect
[Do you dream in color or black and white]: color
[Do you wear cheap nail polish]: YES damnit!
[Have any dimples]: .not cute ones anyway.
[Why do you take surveys]: I love them
[Did you/Do you like high school]: no!!
[What is the best accent]: English…
[Who do you want to kiss]: my man
[Sunrise or sunset]: sunset
[What age do you want to live to]: not too old
[Is a flat stomach important to you]: not anymore…fuck it all!
[If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself]: yea..cause we would have everything in common:) and know what we want!
[Do fish have feelings]: YES!!
[What class do you think is useless shit]: high class people
[Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off]: sometimes
||[I.First thing to pop in your head..]||
[I see]: my computer screen
[I need]: Zeek
[I find]: who I can really count on…
[I will]: work soon
[I have]: a pen
[I wish]: people would stop lying to me and being 2faced about it!
[I love]: music!
[I hate]: this shit hole town, and people in it!
[I cant]: stand hypocrites!
[I miss]: the old times with who I thought were my honest true friends
[I fear]: THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME…no doubt about that!
[I hear]: Mrs. Galloway yelling at Randi
[I won’t]: live much longer
[I smell]: snot
[I want]: to live this world!! And get away from everyone I once loved and thought loved me…
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