
i WiSh . i WaNt . iD LoVe to be . . HiS LoVe . HiS LiFe . . HiS EvErYtHiNg . *As We SiT hErE tOgEtHeR* .:.I tUrN AwAy.:. *AfRaId U'd SeE tHe TeArZ* .:.ThAt ArE AbOuT tO fOrM iN mY eYeZ.:. *YoU aSk If AnYtHiNgS wRoNg* .:.I sMilE-GiGgLe-N tElL u Im FiNe.:. *BuT i CaNt StOp ThInKiN AbOuT* .:.HoW mUcH i WiShEd U WeRe MiNe. . the first time i saw y0u *:. i knew it was true, . that i'd l0ve y0u f0reva *:. n thats what i'll d0, . you d0n't kn0w what y0u d0 t0 me... *:. u d0n't have a clue, . y0u d0n't kn0w what it's like t0 be me lo0king at y0u.. WHO EVER SAiD THAT U HAD TO HAVE SUNSHiNE TO BRiGHTEN UP YOUR DAY [OBViOUSLY] HASN'T DANCED iN THE RAiN* The S/P/A/C/E/S between my fingers are meant to be filled with yours Why do we close our eyes when we dream? When we cry? When we imagine? When we kiss? Because the most beautiful things are unseen. ~Why is it that I hafta climb a million miles to get to you, but all you have to do is smile to get me? ~All I wanna be is the gurl you point to while saying to your friends yea she's mine. *You're the first thing I think of* *Each morning when I rise* *You're the last thing I think of* *Each night when I close my eyes* *You're in each thought I have* *And every breath I take* *My feeling are growing stronger* *With every move I make* *I want to prove I like you* *But that's the hardest part* *So, I'm giving you all I have to give* *To you I give my heart* Your perfect... ...Because everything you do Makes me smile ...Because every second spent with you Is worth while ...Because when you laugh at me I laugh too ...Because everyone else can see That I'm devoted to you ...Because I love your eyes And the way they shine ...Because you don't tell lies And you're so cute when you whine ...Because when you get mad You can't hide it ...Because even when you're sad I can find it ...Because the way you hold me Sends shivers down my spine ...Because your spirits so free And you're so fine ...Because I never stop thinking about you It's not fair ...Because you're just perfect And no one else can compare... ~You know you're in love when you think about them more than you think about yourself. ~Sometimes I wish I were a kid again. Scrapes are easier to fix than broken hearts. Remember - there`s a big difference in y0UR heart moving on, and your mind * t e l l i n g i t t O * Ins`t it wreid taHt yOu` can sltil raed tihs eevn tohugh the ltetres are mexid up ? its bceuase the hmuan mNid olny fcouses On the frsit `n lsat ltetres oF the wrod, its like beaUty.. people Only pay attention tO the outside When i see your face i stiill get i butterfliies people talk about u.. it brings tears to my eyes when you touch me;my stomach .it always turns..i guess i have to put up with every1 saying ..that girl never learns *love me for my mind, and not my body...* but play with my body,* *and not my mind.* Do you ever wish you could just freeze one second, put it into a box and jump into it, and stay there forever? i do...every time I’m with you... Tell my heart to stop beatin * tell my mind to stop thinkin * throw a stone in tha ocean.. * and tell it to stop sinking * tell tha sky not to be so blu* its like tellin me not to be * -In LoVe WiTh YoU- I force a *_ sMiiLE _* and bliink away *im supposed to be strong and have no [[ fEARS !!!but right now its hard ..not to frown..`if im a stronggirl than why am i break in down ~I never got to say goodbye the tears are hard to fight the thought of you is always near I'm trying not to cry I never got to say goodbye I wish these thoughts would leave I see you running through my mind an image to decieve! .:. I'll hide my broken heart beneath a laughing face, and though you think I don't care anymore. Nobody can take your place. Three little words, so simple and yet so true, Never ever forget,____, how much I love you.:. I get jealous when someone hugs you because for that one second, they're holding my world. We always hurt the ones who love us and love the ones that hurt us. It is better to love someone that you could never be with than it is to be with someone that you could never love. He's the one I love to see everyday. He's the one that cares for me but not as much as I care for him. He's the one that likes someone that's not me. He's the one that has no idea he's breaking my heart. I'm the one who has to suffer the consquences. When I wake up in the morning it's you, when I can't sleep it's you, when I'm tossin and turnin it's you, when I'm yearnin it's you, when I'm not with you I miss you, when I'm with you all I wanna do is kiss you. Should I smile because we're friends or cry because that's all we're ever be? I need you next to me. I need your gentle hand grasping mine. I need to see you sweet face , but why can't you see that you mean everything to me? I'm not supposed to love you,I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there, I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, that I fell in love with you. Wanting him is hard to get. Loving him is hard to regret. Losing him is hard to accept. But with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet. The most comfortable place is to be in the arms of someone you love. (¨`•.•´¨)i mAy NoT gEt 2 See U As 0fTeN aS i `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨)Like i mAy n0t GeT 2 h0Ld U iN `•.¸.•´mY aRms aLL ThRu thA NiTe*BuT (¨`•.•´¨)deEp DoWn i Kn0 iTs TrU `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨)*No MaTTa WhAt `•.¸.•´*iLL aLwAyZ LoVe U* *You know your in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye A heart is not a play thing~a heart is not a toy~but if you want it broken..just give it to a boy keep the pictures they neva change only the people in them do *If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOeSn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO /C r A z Y dAyS ... sCrEwEd Up NiTeS ToNs Of CrUsHeS `nN sToOpiD FiTeS *SeCrEtS* wE Will TaKe To ThE gRaVe [[PiCtUrEs]] We WiLl >|4 e V E r|< sAvE ThRu +ThiCk+ n -T.H.i.N- AlWaYs TrUe i DuNnO wHeRe iD bE .. w/OuT yOu* This are sayings i just randomly found:D aren't they cute? I thought so...so what's going with life? a whole lot of nothing...i hope i made zeek happy...yeap that's right i don't care anymore i'm not going to be treated like shit and then go back again for more...that's bullshit and we all know it!
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what kind of music angel are you
i know. long entry