
T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . . - SCREAM iT: SHIT…FUCK…BITCH - Birthplace: Kearney Nebraska - B-day Month: April - Current Location: Hickville, USA - Eye color: Green-Hazel - Hair color: dark brown - Height: 5'4 - Righty or Lefty: righty - Zodiac sign: Aries - Shoes you wore today: my pretty high tops - Your perfect pizza: super supreme - Your thoughts first waking up: would Jami get here earlier!!? - Your bedtime: whenever I fall asleep. Sometimes like midnight - Your most missed memory: childhood - Pepsi or coke: Coke - McDonald's or Burger King: B.K. - Good friends: Amber, Zeek - Boyfriend: yes…I love u Zeek! - Adidas or Nike: AdIdAs - Lipton ice tea or Nestea: I like Both - Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla - Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino - Smoke: no…my lungs are healthy!! - Cuss: sadly yes - Sing: yeapers I sure do! - Take a shower everyday: Yes…(Unlike OTHER PEOPLE!) - Have a crush: nope…I’m perfectly happy! - Do you think you've been in love: I know I have, I am now! - Want to go to college: yes…need all the ed. I can get - Like(d) high school: no I truly despise it! - Want to get married: yes! - Believe in yourself: sometimes - Get motion sickness: sometimes - Think you're a health freak: no - Get along with your parent(s): sometimes. If I have to - Like thunderstorms: YES…I would live out in them! - Play an instrument: no, wish I could - Country/Place you would most like to visit: Jamaica I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . . - Drank alcohol: no - Smoked: no - Done a drug: nope - Had sex : I umm…Yeash - Gone to the mall: yes - Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no. - Eaten sushi: nope. Sushi’s not for me - Been on stage: no - Been dumped: yes - Gone skating: no - Made homemade cookies: that was last month - Gone skinny-dipping: that’s last summer - Dyed your hair: nope - Stolen anything: no G u y | S t u f f . . . - Best eye color: doesn’t matter - Best hair color: any color - Short or long hair: short - Height: Taller than me tho… - Best weight: not fat but not too skinny, built - Best articles of clothing: best…NONE - Best first date location: somewhere I can go to get to know the person - Best first kiss location: Under stars I n | y o u r | l i f e . . . # of drugs taken illegally: 1 # of people I could trust with my life: 2 love ya Amber! And zeek # of CDs that i own: not that many # of piercings: ears # of tattoos: 0 # of scars on my body: there’s so many of them. F a v o r i t e . . . - Color: blue - Food: chicken - Boy's name(s): Airick - Girl's name(s): Alixius - Subject(s) in school: English - Animal(s): black panther - Sport(s): Tennis and volleyball H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . . - Given anyone a bath? Yes - Bungee jumped? noper - Made yourself throw up? No…that’s sick! I don’t even throw-up when I’m sick!! - Skinny dipped? yes - Been in love? Yes:D - Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No I don’t think I have - Cried when someone died? Yes…RiP Granny, Mitch, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandpa, and Jessie - Lied? About 1 too many times - Fallen for your best friend? NOPE I NEVER HAVE!! - Been rejected? No can’t say that I have - Rejected someone? Yes I have - Used someone? Hell no, I would never use anyone. But my “Friend” says I have - Done something you regret? Yes, but doesn’t everyone? R i g h t | n o w . . . - Clothes you're wearing: jeans and a t-shirt - Music you're listening to: Lonely - Akon - Time where you are: 10:49 A.M. - Annoyance that’s annoying you: my throat, the school that I go to - Smell you're smelling: the media center? - Favorite Group: Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Golden Gnome - Current Desktop picture: Tupac - Book you're reading: The Last Book in the Universe - CD in the player: a mix - DVD in the player: jersey girl Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . . - I know: I love my man, and he loves me - I want: to have money, and a car - I have: what I deserve - I wish: I could have enough money to be on my own - I hate: FAKES - I fear: the world’s ending - I hear: annoying kids - I just: typed - i search: for the meaning of life? - I wonder: why I’m here instead of there - I regret: things that are none of ur business - I like: food
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