[105] Gossip Girl

Feeling: scandalous
Ive been reading this series called gossip girls. I heart this series. It makes me wanna be rich and live in New york city and act like im like 30 when im 18. but their lives are so messed up. It makes me like laugh. Like one girl her dad is gay and was married to her mom, than her mom married this ugly fat guy and they had a baby when her mom was like 47 and blair didnt get into yale... all these people do is drink and stuff... which is really odd cause they like dont just do it at partys but do it like all time time.. like at bars... and nothing happens to them. Its like a fantasy world or something. but behide like their phisad of being grown up and everything. their really just teenagers at heart and i think thats why i love these books so much. Yeah sorry i bored yall with that.
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ali these are my motherfuckin favorite books in the entire entire world. i think i am obsessed with them, like almost oc obsessed. love, ms kate!