::The Ex Boyfriend::

Feeling: empty
Yeah so today I was at work and my EX got online. I swear, he can be such as ass at times. Like, I'm always gonna have feelings for him, even when he is a complete jerk to me. Tonight i'm gonna go babysit and i asked him what he was gonna do tonight cause i figured he hasnt seen my cousins in a while so it would be fun and he was like why are you asking me out on a date. And i was like sure (kidding). And he was like "yeah we could go to an all you can eat buffet...you'd like that wouldnt you" and I was like what the F**K. I was so hurt that he had the nerve to say that. I was at work and i wanted to cry so bad...And my thing is i cant get mad at him. Like i can, but deep down i still like him and i dont wanna be mad at him. Omg, I hate this...
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hun, you need to let me know where i can find this dude and i can kick his ass, then we can go out to dinner ;) He's lucky you even talk to him..
hey yea i get the ex boyfriend thing. i hate that too. theres this guy that i have liked for like 2 years and he is SUCH an asshole. and he says its cuz he likes me but then he always goes for other girls. damm guys are dicks