Good in bed

Ok today was sooo long! I went to San Marcos with my best friend. She goes to Texas State and we went to put stuff in her dorm. It took forever. Well it was kinda fun, seeing the campus and stuff. I really wanna go there, I got a sweatshirt and a t-shirt, they are sooo cute! Well anyways, on the way back I was reading a book I got. Its called Good in Bed! Its soooo good! And no it has nothing to do with sex...Its about this lady and she is over weight and her ex boyfriend writes about her in some magazine and the name of the artical is called Loving and over weight women...Well it really gets to her and stuff and she wants to lose weight now. I havent read alot of it, but right now she is just trying to cope with it. Its a really good book. I'm not really the type to pick up a book and just read but I saw the book at my friend Kelly's house and she told me it was good so I went out and bought it. Kelly said it was about learning to love youself and I could use a book like this now! Well today was the first day back to school, and hey...I didnt go. My mom is still a little pissed that I'm not going back to school but I've told her, I'm not quiting. I'm just taking a break. The guy that i met, Michael...Well he goes to my school too. He said that he will just have to meet me some other time since I'm not gonna be at school. He is really cool! Like i really want to meet him but I have seconds thought about it...just cause he still has alot of girls problems and stuff. And he is always with girls and that just makes me a little umcomfortable. I know it shouldnt matter, but hey thats just how I am. Well I'm sooo tired. I think I'm gonna go rest for a little while. till next time...
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That books sounds really awesome! And I admire you for reading stuff outside of the boring school books. Social work would be WONDERFUL to do! Yes, they don't make much, and it's sometimes a very thankless job, but it would be SO rewarding. I think it's awesome that that's what you want to do! I thought about it for awhile, but I'm going to be a minister instead. Pretty close, actually, I guess!