Just here...

Well, Im just here...a little bored now. This weekend went by kinda fast. Friday I went to Michaels house to watch a movie at like Midnight. It was fun, it was better then being home, bored and stuff. I was there for about 2 hrs i think. We watched a Disney movie, it was way fun! I told him we should do that more often... Saturday, I went to my aunts house...my family was over there. We just ate and watched movies and stuff. I finished my defensive driving... FINALLY! I was doing it at Ivys for a while, I got alot done over there. When we went to my aunts, I just decided to finish over there. It didnt take long, I got a 75 on my test, whoop whoop, go me! Today, my aunt and my grandma coma over and they were sewing pillows and stuff. I just finished cleaning the pool out and stuff...Its ready swim in now! YAY! Randy just let, *sigh* He met me mom and my aunt and stuff. Hes coming over tomorrow and to fix something in our bathroom. I was like great, now I have to clean my room. He stayed for about an hr, maybe 2. We just sat and talked and stuff. I still dont know whats going on with us. I guess I'll find out soon. Well that was my weekend, nothing exciting...I'm gonna go now, I need to do my tae bo for the day. Till next time...
Read 5 comments
hi i really like your site, especially the pic at the left and on top of your entries
U c i was to chicken too lol, And take a bath alone that does not seem fun, pain is tempary, chicks dig scares lol,
your welcome... thanx... i'm hopin i can figure things out..
i heart puck!! she's the most awsomest :0) friend ever!!!
thanx, haha me too. hmm hopefully i can figure things out soon, i got some help from soma my friends also.