I miss you, I miss you

Today, I finally got a new computer in my room! I'm so excited! Well yesterday was Valentines day, laa dee daa! I woke up like at 7 cause my mom ran in my room yeslling " its snowing, its snowing!" Sure enough, our front yard was white! It was way cool, i ran out and made a snowman with my mom. Then we went driving in it. We saw so many more snowmen that looked so much better then ours, so we came back and made a bigger one. But it fell...it was ok though, I got to play in it so I was cool. I mean...how often does in snow in Texas?!?! Well for Valentines day, I got balloons from my mom. She gave me that and a Singing bear that had a heart in his had with a pic of me singing my girl. I though it was cute. She also gave me a card and treated me to my favorite chinese resturant. I love my mom! Later that day, me and my 3 best friend, Veronica, Rocio and Josephine, had a little dinner. We cooked and had a nice dinner together. It was fun, I felt do grown up though. After me and my friend Rocio went to Tiggers in deep elum to see my friend Antonio, I really think I have a thing for him...its so not cool. Well anyways, we got home at about 12 and David, Veronica's boyfriend, too her back home to Arlington. Well today I woke up and it was sunny, you would of never known it been snowing the day before. We went to my aunts house to get the computer. On the way over there my mom asked me if i wanted to go to a doctor about my weight...she says it like I weigh 300lbs. I was like no...Then she started talking about school again, at that point I just wanted to press mute and cry, but insteand, I held the tears in and got a headach. Well we stayed ay my aunts for about an hr and then came home and hooked up my computer. I think thats all, well till next time!
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i cant believe it snowed in texas. that is freakin crazy. yeah, valentines sucks even more when you have someone.. but dont do a damn thing. well i hope all is well. talk to you later!!
that man in your background...he is a sexy one eh