The ride to work...

So today my mom brought me to work. It was the worst. I asked her a questions about my car and she went off on me. And i started to cry. She was saying how she didnt know what was wrong with me and she didnt know if i was depressed or what. She said that i didnt care about anything, not myself, not my friends, not even her. Then she went on to say how i needed to go to a doctor, That i need to talk about my problems. I dont know, thats something i might consider. She was telling me all of this and I looked over and she was crying. I didnt know what to say so i just sat there. Then when i got out of the car she told me she loved me. I was really hurt, i mean i didnt know what the hell i was supposed to do, i didnt want to hurt her and i realized that this whole time i had been I'm so lost... Anyways, on to the good news. Well i was online and i met a boy...His name us Darren and He lives in Cali! Yeah he lives far but he is such a sweetheart and I would love to meet him some day. Chances are slim, but we'll see. Anyways, if we never meet it always nice to know that i have someone there I can talk to! Thats why i feel soooo special.
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You never know Sarah...meeting this guy could really chage you!! I'm sorry about you and your mom. I had an episode with mine today to!! I love you!!

times are to come where the world may seem to fall apart but if you look up at the sky there is a bird flying up high. keep your hopes up hope everything goes well.
hey doctors are good to talk to.