Why the baby?!?!?!

Today was sooo bad! Everything was going good till about 8pm. I was with my mom and we got a call from my aunt. Turns out my little cousin Josh and a seizure! I couldnt believe it. I was sooo scared for him, he ONLY 1. He had had a fever of 100 and then it went up to 103. They went out to eat and the poor thing dropped his fork and started having convulsions. They took him to the hospital. Now hes fine but I'm still pretty worried! Thats my baby, I love him to death! I babysit him all the time and if anything were to happen to him, i would die! They said the only reason anything happened to him was because his fever got so high...I really hope their right and nothing else is wrong with him. I dont know how many of you guys a religious but it would mean alot to me if you kept my cousin is your prayers. His name is Josh Deleon and he means the world to me!
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i know how scary something like that can be! i have three little cousins i just adore. i dont know what i would do if something happened to them! ur cousin is in my prayers tonight!
awww imsorry....yeah...that happened to my nephew, he was hit by a car when he was 6...hes 10 now and he is in a wheelchair, prolly will be for the rest of his life.its so sad beaause hes such a sweet boy and hes always teling people how much he loves them ALL the time.like itshis last day..

i will DEFINITLY pray for your cousin!in fact, i will tell my church about it and have them pray.hope hes ok.
