
Feeling: great
What can I even say to you? I've been giving alot of thought to exactly what I want to say to you, but I still haven't really decided what I want to say. So let me say this, we have had some good times, but we've also had some really bad times in the short time that I've been talking to you. I don't regret anything though because you've taught me alot about who I am and who I want to be. I'm glad you proved all those rumors wrong- glad I gave you that chance. Too bad it didn't work out, but oh well I'm not going to cry over it because when it's all said and done Sofranko is still the better guy. Good luck in everything you do, have a great summer.
Class of 2005!
A priceless yearbook note, penned by the one and only ME, who's proud cause I sure am.
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