I'm not that girl...

Ok, so apparently there is something wrong with me. Why is it I don't attract any decent guys? Is it because I'm not a whore, who goes around sleeping with everything she sees? Because I would view that as a good thing, apparently guys don't see it that way. I don't sleep around, sorry. I never will. I'm not that type of girl. I don't want to be with a guy just so I can sleep with him. Looks may be the first thing that attracts you, but if you don't like who he is inside why in the world would you be with him? Just because he's hot? I don't want a boyfriend I can show off to the world and say: wow look at my boyfriend, he's hot. I want a boyfriend that is going to treat me right, listen to what I have to say and show me respect. I want to be able to have a good time with him. He has to make me laugh, he has to have a personality. I want a guy I can talk to, someone I can say anything to. he has to make me feel comfortable at all times and I shouldn't have to feel like I have to constantly be putting on a show for him. He'll like me just as much in a t-shirt and shorts as he does when I get dressed up in a skirt. I don't care what you look like, that's not important to me, but apparently it's important to alot of guys. They want a hot girl who they can have on their arm who is willing to sleep with them as much as they want, whenever they want. They are messed up. They care more about how a girl looks than if she can actually hold an intelligent concersation. I'm tired of guys. They always complain that their are no good girls out there, but they aren't looking for good girls. And these are the guys we fall for girls. (And those "girls" are the girls that don't have sex 24/7/365 days of the year, nor do they want to!) We pine away for these guys who never give us a second look. We are just the friends, one of the guys. Guys want good girls to be their friends, but never their girlfriends. They never look at us in the way they would look at that stick thin girl walking down the street in the mini skirt and shirt so low you can practically see her nipples. It's like there are moments of brilliance in you, that I see, and then there are others where I want to smack you in the head. Sometimes you look at me the way you would look at them, but then your stare quickly goes back to someone who isn't even close to anything I would ever be. Why can't you see that I would be perfect for you? But I guess you wouldn't see that. Nobody does.
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