We grew up there...

So in the course of a night I have realized that McAdoo is not such a bad place after all. Yeah, it’s shitty and yeah people aren’t always the smartest in the world but one thing that we do have is an incredible sense of family. I never really stopped to think about it but tonight I did. Amanda made me think about it and it is so true. People are genuine and friendly and would give the shirts off their backs to help you, for the most part, and after talking with her, I have come to realize how much I really appreciate where I am from. Again, it isn’t the most attractive area in the world but it’s where I’m from and no matter how far I may go I cannot change the fact that I grew up there, all of my memories are there, and some of my first and best friends are there. Above all that I have one of the greatest families ever. Two amazing parents that would literally give the world to make me happy, who I am incredibly grateful for everyday of my life. I don’t think I will ever be ashamed to admit where I am from again after tonight. I can’t change it. It is where I’m from. I’ve had some of the best times of my life in that small town, hell I’ve had some of the best times ever just sitting on my front porch talking to Karen about the most pointless shit ever. I met my best friend there. I first fell in love there. I had my first kiss there. I had, one of many, breakups there. I went to school and graduated from there. 99% of my life up to this point has taken place there, the place where the number one thing to do on a Saturday night is go drinking. Church on Sunday was an event and high school football is a way of life. It is the sort of place that if you didn’t grow up there, you could never understand what being from a town like that was like. The whole mentality of that place is different. It runs on a different sort of time. Perspectives get distorted, you learn to see things differently, dare I say you learn to appreciate life a little bit more. It’s crazy how you never think about this shit till one crazy night. It’s kind of sad. I never really thought about how our area was, still is. It may be shitty, but the hearts of the people there are quality. We are quality. I hope that everyone who is from the Coal Region reads this and it makes you think, just like Amanda made me think tonight. Think about where we grew up guys. Think about all of our friends. Think about us. Because back home is where we are from, like it or not, proud of it or not, we are. And look back and tell me you didn’t have the time of your life there. Food for thought guys, give the ol’ Coal Region another thought, I sure did and I really liked what I found.
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That's my girl. You get it. ... Love you with the coal, strawberries and fruit dip, and hugs. <3Amanda
I know exactly what u mean I was always like "I can't WAIT 2 get out of here!" I do miss it ALOT Everyone else may think its shitty but its home to me
after readin your entry...I feel the same way...I never realized how important that place was to me until I left it...

ps...the last message was from me too...hehe...