sometimes u stab me so deep..

Feeling: betrayed
okk everybody i really really need help like urgent...i just recieved the most stabbing heart thing ever!! this guy...we are not in love but theres something really weird going on between ..sometimes he holds my hand and he kisses my cheek sooo sweet....and i dunno i feel something really strange for him..kinda like him but in a sweet way i dunno..anyway this have been happening like since 2 years ago haha ups..sooo we never know what is it but we both get excited when we talk to each other and we go to parties together and stuff like i had on my messenger nickname IM NOTHING MORE THAN A LINE IN YOUR BOOK.. and then he onlines and he puts on his IM TRYING TO ERASE YOU OF MY PAGES. n im like wtf and i ask him whats with his nick ...he doesnt answer me ..he wont talk to me anymore!! i mean sometimes hes hurt me so bad..but this time hes like erasing me from his life and i cant deal with that ! and now im crying so hard i can barely see the screen..whats wrong with him!? what should i do or think or say !!
Read 6 comments
Wow! sorry, umm... i wish i could give u some great life changing advice, but i have none, i'm not very good at advice giving!
--take it one day at a time, i can't tell u what to do, becuz i have no idea what i would do, i have no experience in that area at all what so ever, and im 15, i find that sorta pathtic, but this is about u!--- i really hope things work out!
--im still trying to think of some kind of advice, but i keep imagining me saying somthing like "don't worry at least it can't get any worse?".. and then it starts pouring down rain!!
--im more of a "i-will-try-to-make-u-laugh-to-
make-u-feel-better" type person, becouse i never know what to do! rather than a..."o-do-this-and-you-will-feel-better" person.... hey, that makes no sense, but well, i really do hope it works out...luvs!
heey.. none of my buisness but i*ll leave a message anyway. he sounds like he doesn*t want anything too serious with you. so the next time he touches you..don*t allow it because why would you want to do that with someone if they don*t care about you? if he knew what he wanted he*d tell you so lay off and let him be. if he really wants you he*ll come but until then quit putting yourself through this or else he*ll walk all over you. G*luck =)
confront him maybe?..or just leave it if he chooses to do that he isn*t worht it it*s pathetic for someone to be mad at you all of the sudden for no reason
no problem..=)
well to me it seems like some type of love thing has arisen. I mean he seems like he can't get it straight whether u are considering a friend, or more than a friend. I think he's in denial, and he doesn't wanna screw up the friendship. Believe me I had this done to me, not too long ago. I've felt the same way before. I think he's ignoring you because he doesn't want to admit it. Let him have some space, and he'll come around probably soon enough.