hold my hand

Feeling: euphoric
listen to what just happened!!! i went to the movies with some friends..and i found nico in there...and a friend him and i entered to see a movie cuz the others wanted to see other movie...so we were there and nico was sitting next to me and suddenly he took my hand...and i was likeee sweatiiing...and i let him go and acted all clueless...but then after a while he started fidgening with my fingers...i still dunno why i didnt have a heart attack...ok after a while i was likee nooo brendaaaaaa he is onlyy playinng he will hurt uuu u havee to to let goo...so i let goo..and then he lay his head on my shoulder and the movies were really cold and he was like ur really cold..andi was like yeah im freezing..so he put his lips in my shoulder and i could feel him breathe...so warm...goooodd i wanted to diee....and then i moved...i still dunno how i had the strength to move...anyway he waas still playing around and fidgening with my hand and then i moved and crossed my arms so he stopped..and then i got home and i realized my hand smelled like him...:'(....i hate it cuz for him it may have just been like a horny moment...but for meee it was so much more than that...whyyy is he like that?!?! whyy does he love playing with me?!??! i wish i was strong enough to get far away from him...
Read 10 comments
hmm well it's very sad and depressing, I mean its clear there's someone you're talking about.
Yeah sorry, I know what you mean..I remember you had another peom in which you were talking as if to another person, but it was really yourself.
hmm not really..It does the opposite. It makes me proud of how much I've changed since it.
haha positive??? are you crazy!?? im the least ostivie person you'll ever meet.
haha yeah i guess
No clue why he does it. He could have a million reasons as to why. Seriously I would have died if I was in ur spot! I'd just beware of what's going on, and stick with my gut. :)
how are you doing ? ♥
you should give him a chance...
dont run away from ppl..
i really like your spanish word up there !!they are aweomseeeee deeeepppp
yes i do speak spanish even tho im white hahah but yeah it's all good i n the spanis h world