dream about meaningful smiles

Listening to: jimmy eat world-23
something reallyyy weird happened..i had a notebook with all my poems and stuff...and its gone!! mayb i hid it so well i dont remember where or mayb someone took it oh well...those poems were nothing but memories from feelings unwanted..so i guess its better this way...start a new notebook with more happy thoughts..ill take a lifetime to fill it if i want it with happy thoughts though...im bored as hell...im hungry...im sad...i want to write something but im just too numbed to think...or feel...im cold..its raining =)...i love rain...i want a boyfriend...i want a real friend...i want to smile...i want to wake up and live in a house where my family's alright, my parents dont shout to each other every fucking minute, where problems don't mean try to kill myself cuz they have fuckin no solution, where someone tells me hey u look really nice today...or something like that...whatever..later..brenda
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ahh i do that all the time with evvverything. i hide stuff really good, then completely forget where i hid it. it sucksss
thanks :) my friend made me really angry :)
maybe they should...lol...it's ok I'm emotional and bored too...-cassie
You will get those things. I mean maybe not right now but later on on someday. I mean you'll meet this people when you least expect them so don't lose hope!
yes they do yes they do...*ugh* I'm so bored...There's a fat chick coming over soon...then I get to go to the mall..:)
i just cleaned my room yesterday like under my bed and shit and i found 2 of my old notebooks. theyre fun to look back at
"yesterday's got nothin' for me"

-Axl Rose
rain equals love.
thanks for saying what you do, it means a lot to me; i know you mean it. and i know i have my friends on here, and i love it.
aww lol i would hate if a book of poetry i wrote was missing hehe
but its always good to start anew!
hehe i heart you!!