Detroit Teams Kicking Ass

Just a little update for people since if I don't update once in a while people get annoyed and say that I never update. Anyway, all the Detroit teams that I care about did kick ass today. Tigers won 5-3 after a 17-3 win yesterday against the Indians, the Pistons won their playoff game and took the lead in their series, and the Wings won a game today. See, thats what Detroit is famous for. Not cars so much, not crime, nothing that counts for the betterment of a city, but we kick ass at sports. Anyway, I'd update with more stuff about what I'm doing, but I don't really have anything else to say, and I'm on somebody elses computer, so I might update again later. DETROIT TIGERS: 2ND PLACE BY 1.0 GAMES DETROIT PISTONS: LEAD 2-1 IN THEIR SERIES DETROIT RED WINGS: 1-1 TIE IN THEIR SERIES Every member of the Wings, Pistons, and Tigers contributed to their wins, except for like, Kirk Maltby, who did nothing, as usual. (Kidding about the Maltby part)
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Haha Paul, you always gotta joke about my sports players but I like Darko too and he was named in your thing. I love Kirk Maltby! Thanks for updating but you really should write another entry and put me in it for some reason or another ...

x erin x
People don't get annoyed Paul, just me .. GOD!

x erin x