Screw Whitey

They had in the paper today, on the front page, four stories about violence, and somehow, none of the criminal acts involved were about white people, which doesn't make a lot of sense. They were saying how the people in the Al-Qaeda terror network were in the country, so we had to look out for specific Arabic people...because apparently they're the ones who we have ot be afraid of. But when I think about it...white people are even scarier. Every person who has ever harmed me in my lifetime...has been a white guy. The boss who fired me, the teacher who flunked me, the kid who hit me in the eye with a rock, the farmer who shot me with a bebe gun when I was trying to get a road sign for a fraternity stunt, the manager who said I couldn't get promoted because I was so good at the job I was already going, the IRS manager who double-added my taxes to get me an audit, the drunk who smashed into the rear bumper of my car, the financial aid officer who under-estimated how much it would cost for me to go to school, my girlfriend who left me, the next one who left even faster, the pilot of the plane I was in from Detroit to New York who decided to fly through a tornado, and the customer at work who had me written up because she thought I intentionally coughed in her direction...every one of these people has been a white person! Coincidence? I don't think so. I have never been beaten up by a black person, never been kicked out of my house by a black person, never had my housing payment screwed up by a black financial aid worker, never had a black financial aid worker, had a meeting with any publisher with a black executive in charge, never had a black counselor tell me that I was "too slow and unintelligent to ever go to a real college", never had beer spilled on me by a black teenager at a Detroit Tigers game, never been pulled over by a black cop, never shown a bad car from a black car salesman, never got to deal with a black car salesman, never had a black person tell me and my family we had less then 2 hours to get out of our house because they decided not to accept our housing payment, and I've never heard a black person say "We're cutting your hours, your pay, and your benefits. Have a nice day." I don't think I'm the only white guy who can say something like this. Every mean word, every cruel act in my life has had a caucasian face to it. So why should I listen to the news and be afraid of black people? Or anybody but white people, as the news would like you to think? Let's think about the stuff white people have done: who invented PBC, PVC, and the other chemicals they don't use anymore because it turns out they kill us? White men. Who started the black plague? A white guy. Who started every war America has ever been in? A white guy. What douche bag is in charge of crap like "Who Wants to Marry a Midget" or anything else on Fox except for The Simpsons and Family Guy? A white guy. All I'm saying is according to the news, everybody has to worry Arabic and black people, but really when you think about it, its whitey that's probably more dangerous overall.
Read 3 comments
hello, i just wanted to tell you that i really respect this entry of yours. too often are we told in western society that we need to look out for the people who are "different" from us because they are dangerous, when in reality its the people who look like us who cause more problems. its the media controlled by rich white men that try and fill us with propaganda to make us believe that arabs, and blacks etc..are gonna kill us. glad u posted that
God Paul, where do you come up with this crap?

I cut the hair so you can see pictures later ... I love it, its black, pink and purple ... Dude, you gotta see it and only 1 person hates it

Today was my last Channel One and its weird seeing all of the major things that happened since 1986 the year I was born, its so weird, I mean so much crap has happened and its like hard to believe and I can't believe graduation is in 5 days!
It was creepy, I was scared shitless. I'm such a scardy cat at times but you should have seen that place. There used to be 74 buildings and now there's only 4 and they're all closed and shit