Pompous, stuck up, snotnosed, giant twerp, scumbag, dickhead

...and other words that describe the man that won the presidency. Now, I know that I do have a couple of friends who are Reps. and proud of it, and are annoyed that I hate Bush with such a passion, but just bare with me that after this little rant, it'll be out of my system, so I can just go back to avoiding talking politics with you like I did before. But for now, I rant. The 18-24 year olds of this country need to wake the fuck up. They have every group possible pleading with them to just get out there and vote so that they will support either side. Celebrities, politicians, teachers, anyone else who's an adult...all of them want people their age to vote, and for some reason, they stay away from the polls in droves! If as many young people would have voted that people were thinking, Kerry would have taken the popular vote by about 2 million, but the group he appealed the most to was also the most apathetic. How can people look at what Bush did during his four years "running" the country and think that he's a good candidate! The deficit, the unemployment, fucking up not ONE, but TWO international incidents, pissing off the world, starting up and then not funding No Child Left Behind...all of that, and the man gets re-elected! When you think about it, he has committed every major crime known to man just shy of rape and people don't understand that this is probably not only the worst choice for president, but he would be the worst choice for a city council member! The man can't put together an entire sentence let alone plan out four years of a country that he fucked up in the first place! I don't know, maybe I'm just being pessimistic because there's no system of checks and balances anymore because every house is controlled by the same party. With the Supreme Court up for grabs for the republicans, we're not living in a democracy anymore, we're living in something that closely resembles Russia. One party ruling everything, with no chance for an outside opinion to filter in because they hold all the cards. So there ya go. Enjoy who you voted for, but that also means that you get to enjoy everything that goes along with it. Be it the wars that will be going on in Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. The college costs, the unemployment rate, and the gas prices that should routinely go up to about $3 by the end of his term. Enjoy it, because you deserve what's coming to you. As for the rest of us, the smart ones who didn't vote for Bush, I applaud you, and I should remind that you that there IS a one year waiting list for Canadian citizenship in case you were wondering. If not, there's always the Northeast. BUSH: If I am re-elected, we will not an have all-volunteer army! SUPPORTERS: What? Huh? BUSH: I'm sorry...we WILL have an all-volunteer army!
Read 5 comments
Paul, you wrote this entry just to hear my opinion on the whole thing. I hate Kerry and think that Kerry is a complete idiot and I support everything that Bush is doing. He got my vote and I feel that he's doing the right thing. I think that everytime Democrats are in office things get fucked up even more and us Rep. rock. I know that you were talking about me in your entry and that's fine but I support him and sorry that you don't
I'm with you. fuck bush.
haha ur just mad that Kerry Lost...its okay though because if this entry will make you feel better then more power to you! ; )

haha ur just mad that Kerry Lost...its okay though because if this entry will make you feel better then more power to you! ; )

haha ur just mad that Kerry Lost...its okay though because if this entry will make you feel better then more power to you! ; )
