Why Americans Frustrate Me

Alright, I was watching t.v. this week, and I saw a lot of the whole Democratic National Convention thing, and apparently from the ratings, I am one of the few that did. Do people just not understand that what they're doing at these things is at least somewhat important to the future of the country? I mean, even for the Republican one, which I'll just get my highlights from the Daily Show for that one, but needless to say, both parties are out there saying what their visions of the country are, and how they would get people out there to do things their way. Is it boring? At times. Is it hard to get through? Well, yeah. But when people complain about the fact that these events are so over-produced and focus more on how it looks then what they're saying, they need to take a step back and realize that if there was no entertainment value for this thing, then the major networks wouldn't carry ANY of it instead of just the usual three hours that they showed this week. I mean, come on, the sight of John Kerry having to do rush through his speech where he's laying out the plan for his presidency and giving reasons for either voting for him or against him, just because he doesn't want to go over the time limit so that some Cletus out in the boonedocks doesnt have to miss the first few minutes of Elimidate! The conventions are basically the parties saying "This is who we are, this is what we're like", and they are meant to show people their faces and what they stand for, and the fact that it LOST 2,000,000 people in terms of ratings from the 2000 Election, is just pathetic! When Survivor outranks some political event on television, you know that there's at least a few problems there. Like her or not, John Kerry's wife is interesting to listen to, and one of very few people who tell someone to "shove it" just because they want to, and for that I am impressed, but to get better ratings, what the fuck do they have to do, have Justin Timberlake up there so she can have a "wardrobe malfunction"? What the hell is with people sometimes? I don't know, I ran out of stuff to rant about, so I'm gonna get going. JOSH: Just remember: if you do anything like this again, I will kill you. MASON: Okaaaaaay. JOSH: No, I'm serious. Understand that I know people. It can be water, cement, painful, not painful...its really my choice.
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