It's Been Awhile...

Yeah, yeah, I know, been a while since I put anything in here. It's really a combination of nothing happening and then when I did have something happen, I was just never able to get on here for one reason or another. It's not like anything overly new has happened to me since I like to keep things going at a pretty even keel, but a few accidentally interesting situations happen. For instance, I'm in my third year here, and I'm taking MATH082, which is the equivalent of 10th grade math. Anybody want to guess what percent I got in that class? A 41%. I can't pass high school math during my third year in college, how fucking sweet am I. So then Thanksgiving rolls around, nothing out of the ordinary happened there, my sister ate over with her fiance and that was about it. They decided that they were going to become Jewish for some reason, and normally that would count as a surprise at the family table, but it was actually kind of tame. So the tuition thing is due pretty soon (today, actually), and I tell my dad about it, he claims I never told him about it until Saturday, I know that he just can't remember and won't admit that he's wrong. So he gets all pissed at me and says that I'm wasting the money for the family, blah blah blah, I can't keep asking for money for every little thing, blah blah blah, and even though I got a half-ass apology that, even though he tried, sounded like it was just Round 2 of his rant rather then actually apologizing for anything. So then I tell my sister that I'm not gonna be a teacher anymore because I honestly don't think that I could deal with kids day in and day out on that long of a basis. I wouldn't want to teach young kids, and if I was teaching in a high school, I know I would just fuck with the grades of people who are popular. Why? I don't know, spite, anger, revenge...any one of those sounds about right. So she goes off on this rant about why I should be a teacher. Then I tell her that I really want to do something with journalism, or maybe become a writer for something with some of the ideas that I have. She says that I'm really not funny enough to make it on my own with that, and how she'll laugh when I just go back and get my teaching degree because it'll be 5X more expensive to get it when I'm out of school. So that was my holidays: I'm wasting the family money for a wedding that I don't even want to go to, because you can't go by yourself, and you can't really take somebody that you just met to a wedding, that's like a six-month-in kind of deal, and my record for women lately has been...well see, I have a shitty record with that anyway. AND I apparently am not funny enough to do anything with my writing. See? That's why when you first go home for break you wonder why you didn't come home before. About four minutes in, it dawns on you. Anyway, I'm outta here, until I feel like writing in this again...PROBABLY before the end of the week again. MAX: You think YOUR life sucks? My ex-girlfriend, who was a vegan, punk feminist left me because she said THAT I was too angry. --SAW
Read 2 comments
I totally know how you're feeling. My dad is like that too. I laughed when I read that.

I'm thinking about moving out of my house and I'm changing my major too. Sorry your holiday wasn't the best, mine was actually ok other than fighting with the X boyfriend. Hope all is going goo and we never talk anymore.