Fuck These Things

I was sitting around at work today, not really in a bad mood, but realized that there was a lot of pointless bull that gets on my nerves, so I figured I'd say some of it here. I'm PROBABLY alone in most of these, but if I'm not, that'd be cool. People who make "quote marks" in the "air" with their fingers. People who say "Badda-boom, bada-bing." Next Sopranos-wanna be who says that to me is gettin kicked right in the nuts. Bad hair days. Put on a hat and go to work ya egotistical fucker. People who say "I heard that". You really, well isn't this exciting. What is this, a hearing test? Of course ya heard it ya moron, I'm standin right next to you. "Fuck off!" By any chance, did ya hear that? People who say their needs aren't being met. Here's an idea, drop some of your needs. Mickey Mouse's birthday being announced on the news like it's a real event...I don't give a shit! If I cared about his birthday, I would have memorized it years ago! And I'd send him a card! "Dear Mickey, Happy Birthday. From, Paul"...don't do that, why? Don't give a damn. No wonder the world doesn't take us seriously, we spend time on the news saying the birthday of a cartoon character. Does anybody else care that pandas in the National Zoo don't fuck? Stop telling me that they didn't fuck again this year. If they want to, they will, if they don't, they'll watch the history channel. "Innocent victims". This is bull, there are no innocent victims. Odds are at some point you did something you didn't get paid back for, if you were born on this planet, you're guilty of something, end of story. Hyphenated names...just pick a fuckin' last name, will ya? All these different phone options. When did the phone bill become life's most important document? Talking to your parents may not be the most pleasant thing in the world when you're away at school, but it shouldn't be based on whether or not you can save eight cents. Why do we need one hour photo labs? You just SAW it! How can you be nostalgic about something you saw less than an hour ago. White guys OVER ten years old who wear their baseball caps to the side. You're not gonna be as cool as black guys. You're white, and you're lame. It's a law of nature. Too many colored ribbons. Red, green, pink, etc. I suggest a brown one, for: I don't give a shit. Religious athletes who won't shut up. They thank Jesus when they win, no mention when they lose. They never say "The good Lord nicked my tire around the fourth turn". According to them, Jesus is undefeated, but they're in dead last. Eight different kinds of Axe and Ban. It's all the same, and it all smells like a pine tree. People who wear cowboy hats. It's not even Halloween! Hey Tex, grow up and get an outfit consistent with this century. It's not like you see guys dressing up and walking around like pirates or Vikings! The closest most of these guys come to cows is when they stop at a McDonalds. Camera-Phones. This is just technology gone insane. Everywhere you go, there's some dick, some putz with a Camera-Phone, and he is going to take pictures of...EVERYTHING! Are peoples lives so empty that they sit around afterwards just to sit around and look at things they just did? And it's the same ugly three people in every shot! The generations between ages 30 and 50. They had a great time when they were growing up. They grew up with a simple motto: GIMME IT, IT'S MINE! These people were given everything, and they took it all: sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Now they realize that they're old, so they turn self-righteous. They wanna make stuff hard on young people. They say abstain from sex, say no to drugs, and they sold all the good rock and punk songs for car commercials years ago. They don't really want to hear about anyone else's problems but their own. It's even in their slogans: no pain, no gain. Shit happens, deal with it. They went from "do your own thing" to "just say no" from "love is all you need" to "whoever ends up with the most toys wins". Anyway, that's all I got. I ended up having work to do after that, but still...that's not too bad for just 15 minutes of thinking.
Read 3 comments
Not bad on the rants, I actually enjoyed them ...
Dude I'm getting a camera phone early next week and there's nothing wrong with that
P.S. - does someone need a hug? How about a prozac?