Fuckin' Ay

Recently, two of my friends became single. They're two friends who I'm friends with because it was one of those "consolation" prizes when you ask someone out too late. They don't totally hate you, but for one reason or another, you can't get a date with them. Not a big deal, and even if they do have a boyfriend, I still have a tendency to hit on them as long as they don't take me seriously. So anyway, both of them are single now, and I've since asked both of them out. Neither one of them has said "no", but a "maybe" or an "I dont know" is never a good sign. If you're sure of something, you usually either agree or disagree with it on the spot. I mean, its cool that they want to do the nice thing and not make me feel like a dick for asking. It's nice, but still. The problem that I have is that I dont fit the two categories of people who never get turned down by women. The first category is that someone is good looking. The blonde hair/blue eyes thing works for almost anybody and is a surefire way to avoid being single for anything longer then two weeks. Someone dumps you? Not a problem, there's always someone else waiting in the wings to take their spot on the rebound. The other one is someone who is a "bad-ass". Horrible temper, has a record, drinks, smokes, you name it. Apparently there's some attraction to guys like this. This also includes the pricks who are cocky as hell and treat everybody like shit, but they can get away with it, because...well, like I said at the start of this, women's logic when it comes to guys sucks. Consider the following situation: there's two guys that want to date a girl. One of them is a dude who looks great but has a horrible temper, admits that he's cheated on his past girlfriends, drinks, smokes...the whole nine yards. There's another guy though, and he's average looking. Personality-wise though, he's the better choice: would spoil someone rotten, would let them know on a daily basis that they're hot, likes the same things, has a great sense of humor, easy to talk to, would stick up for them anytime someone says something bad about them, and would support anything they to do change their looks/personality, even though they would point out that the way that they have both of them now is virtually perfect. Just because the first guy is attractive or has the "bad-ass" attitude, he's the one who's picked all the time, and its bull. You'll probably have a good time with the other dude for a few weeks, a couple months or whatever, and then it ends, and then women just look for the next guy who's like that, with a few minor changes. I'm not what you would call "quick", but when you go 0-52 in between times someone actually is willing to hang out with you, you gotta kinda realize that there's obviously something wrong with you. I've been told that I'm not "date" material, I'm really more a good friend, which is cool, but it's kind of a backhanded compliment. I mean, here's how I plead my case on this: We would go out, see a movie, any movie that you would want to see, doesn't matter where, what time, what its about...any of that. After that we get something to eat. You talk about whatever is on your mind, and I seem interested because I am interested. I talk to you, make a few jokes, you laugh at a few of them and have a good time. After that, you go home, it ends, and you just base me on that. But none of that's gonna happen because I don't have the personality of an ex-con. Now, don't get me wrong, if I don't hook up or at the bare minimum hang out with either of these two, I'm not gonna stop talking to them. Will I be upset for a little bit? Yeah, of course, but I'm not gonna just stop all contact with them. I'm just gonna end this with something that I might or might not have put in my entries on here before. I might have, but still, it applies here, so deal with it. And keep in mind, don't take this story at face value, its one of those "double meanings" things. My uncle lived in New York for most of his life, and for a majority of it, he had this car. It wasn't the biggest or the flashiest or the nicest, but it was reliable. So one day, he comes into some money, and he goes out, and buys a brand new red Mustang. He drives it around for a little while, but after a while, it starts having problems and he has to get rid of it. So he goes back to the average car. He gets a brand new car, faster and flashier then the regular car, but again, he drives it for a while and then it breaks down, so he kept going back to the average car. It's been ten years since he got that first new car, and twenty since he got the average car, and even though he kept getting the newer cars, the average one is the one that was reliable and is still running. (I think there's more to the story, but I think of how to end it, so that's the ending)
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Nice entry Paul and I know you're talking about me in part of it or whatnot. Hope all is well and you owe me an e-mail, I sent you one yesterday. If you didn't get it let me know because my friend didn't get an e-mail that I sent him twice already
You ask stupid questions sometimes Paul.