NASCAR: Not A Sport

Alright, before I get off on a rant here, for the person that said that I was being a dick for not liking Fallout Boy's set since they were too busy childproofing the crowd to play actual music, I just wanted to say that if those people were dumb enough to stand in the very front, it's common sense that they're gonna get hurt, you realize that when you go up there. Duh! Anyway...I know that what I'm about to say is going to piss a couple people off, but it's not like I'm lying here...and I'm starting off by saying that I do know people who like NASCAR, I think of them about on par with anybody else I know, maybe think of them a little bit better than other people, so this isn't a personal attack or anything. Stop calling NASCAR a sport, though. I've seen it on television, I've picked up on the races a couple times when I was trying to impress someone and it kinda stuck with me, but these people are NOT, I repeat, NOT athletes. It's a very nice event to go to and socialize with people who think the same thing that you do, but they really don't have any more skill than a guy driving to and from work on the expressway every morning and back again at night. The racers are very fine people, I'm sure. Everyone who watches and goes to the races says that its very fan friendly and it's cheaper than most sporting events, but really NASCAR is closer to something like a Monster Truck Rally or a Drag Race or something like that. And before people get on my case and say "But everybody is entitled to like what they want, so don't make fun of it" but how come people can mock baseball until they're gasping for air, but the second that I make one sentence with saying someones neck looks a little red and suggesting they watch NASCAR, oh all of a sudden I'm just being small-minded. Like I said before, I watch the races, I know who the drivers are, not compeltely familiar with the charts like I am for the American and National League standings, but I know enough about it where I can talk to people about it. Where I draw the line is these freaks who only buy brands that their driver is sponsored by. How empty is your life that you make purchasing decisions based on the fact that it's plastered on the ass of your favorite driver? Am I the only one who finds that the least bit weird? Anyway...having said that and not having found the results, I'm ending this saying that if I had to bet even money, I'd say the winner of the MIS (not too far from where I live, really) race is either gonna be Newman or Gordon. And that's about it.
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Newman one the Busch race at MIS and Kenseth winning the Nextel race was cool because in those 2 races I made $250 dollars so it was cool.

I'm not going to say its not a sport because we've been over this time and time again so I am going to say that root for Newman because he's the best and that's all I got.

By the way, my best friend doesn't hate me anymore, we fixed all of it the other day and such so we're good now.