Typical Day in Hell

I figured it had been a while since I updated and wrote anything of moderate interest since my rant about the Class of 2004 basically was all I could think of for a while, it zapped a normally high flow of ideas. I've been workin my ass off for the past couple of days...okay well I've been at work a lot lately, since in a few days the "President of all the Krogers" is showing up to see what's happening in some of the stores in his area. I'm supposed to be impressed that he's coming, but if I could care less I honestly think it would be a small miracle. They signed a new contract so that we wouldn't go on strike, and everyone got everything that they wanted, except for the job that I do. Everyone got a $1 raise except for the "Courtesy Clerks" so I have decided that I'm basically going to stop working until they fire me or give me a promotion. I don't mean I won't show up, I just mean that I shouldn't care about what customers really want at least until I get a better job. I got off of work at midnight last night, and had to be at work again today at 6:00. I didn't feel like doing anything for the first two hours I was there, so I bought some milk, some mini-brownies, and went into the bottle room and took an hour nap. It was either really slow or they called me and I just didn't wake up, but I slept there for a while until I figured the managers would show up to work. After that I emptied all the machines, and then sat around for a couple more hours. Whenever they called me up front for something, I just told them that the bottle machines were packed and I couldn't do anything else. I was lying but they didn't know that. I showed up 22 minutes late to work, but since the time clock goes by every 15 minutes, I clocked out eight minutes later then normal and it showed that I worked a full shift. I would find another job but this one is just too easy to quit. Other then that there's nothing new. I got this thing at the gas station where I only have to pay at the end of the month for how much gasoline I buy, and since my car is a gas hog, I spent $82 last month on gas alone, which sucks considering I only drove to work, the bank, and four trips to and from Best Buy. Other then that, there's really nothing else to add, so I think I'll end it there. GIRL: I hear that ghosts are just people who die and they can't go through to heaven or hell because of something they didn't do right. They go to a place where they pray for death but it just won't come. CHRIS: You mean the UPN network?
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I know I'm not pretty and people telling me isn't going to change my feelings on the whole thing. I finally graduated and got my dipolma so I never have to look back or go back