Script Possibilities

Alright, I know that I'm supposed to actually write stuff about whats going on with me, but I don't have anything to say right now and instead will add something tomorrow, but what I am adding is something else. I'm writing something right now, and instead of saving it on a disk, which I dont have, I'm putting it on here so at least I can save it and the one person who reads this doesnt have to get on my case and say I never update. Oh, keep in mind that what I am saying in this (what I'm putting up next) is not me talking, and in fact goes against anything that I agree with in terms of what is a sport and what isnt. Mark: Hey, lemme see the sports section. (Josh hands him the sports section) Hey, it's not in here! Josh: What isn't in there? Mark: The line positions for the NASCAR race this week. Josh: Oh, I know why it isn't in there. Mark: Why isn't it in here? Josh: Because the sports section focuses mainly on sports. NASCAR wouldn't be in there because NASCAR is not a sport. Mark: The hell it isn't! NASCAR's a sport! Josh: No, for something to be a sport, it has to actually require skill. The only "skill" required for NASCAR is for someone to weigh at least 20 pounds more then they should, with names like Timmy, Scooter, and Ed, and have a thick, THICK southern accent. You drive in a car in a circle three hundred times and somehow these people get to be called athletes. Hell, I drive 106 miles home and back every weekend, so that must make me like, an all-star! Mark: Hey, I'm not gonna listen to someone make fun of NASCAR, especially when the person who's doing it lists their second favorite sport as "golf". Josh: That's because golf is a sport. Golf requires skill, you have to hit a ball a certain distance and you're aiming for a target. Mark: And that requires skill? You whack at a ball with a wooden club, that's not a skill. At least in baseball, you have to hit something moving at speeds up to and including 100 mph. In golf apparently their concentration is so great that the ball has to be sitting down in order for them to hit it. The only skill along with being able to actually swing a piece of wood is to be as white as you can be and dress like a black, '70s pimp.
Read 3 comments
Paul that's not funny. NasCar is a sport trust me and golf is boring but I can watch it.
They are so stupid Paul. The next time you talk to either of them, tell them they better watch what they say about sports ...
NaZcAr #12 RoX!

x erin x