
lately i feel like i want a boyfriend. i haven't had a serious relationship in a long time. the closest thing i have would have to be my casual relationship with whats his face. and by casual i mean from time to time he visits and hangs out and we usually have sex before he leaves. we aren't really friends in the sense that we never talk on the phone. unless of course its a phone call inviting the other to some kind of social gathering (in which we get together for the night and don't talk again til its time to get some). he really is a nice guy but i think i'm above the casual sex thing. nor do i like the thought of it. and i especially don't like wondering if he's been with any girls since the last time i saw him, and if he was safe with them. i don't want any stress ya know. i'm not a whore, he's the one and only "friends with benefits" type of thing i've ever had. and hopefully the last. which is why it hink its time i find one person to be with and no one else.
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From the earlier question of what you should do--I think you would be better friends--that way you can get to know him better and you wouldn't risk anything. There will always be time for a boyfriend. I know you may want one right now but they are a huge hassel--maybe you just want the security and stuff that comes with one. Every girl does.
ya that sucks i been on a dry spell for lets say 19 years almost now damn i am a loser... but well treat ur self with respect and u got to be careful u never know anymore!
how old are u and where u live?
18, turning 19 june 15, ny
lol thats funny i want to call my self 19 already when i say 18 no one believes me b/c there like are u really 18 damn yes i am i want to be 19 already!! ooo by the way i am always on if u need someone to talk to
do ya have aim or something
I too am tired of fuckbuddies. At some point, its just time to move on, I suppose. Though, sometimes its nice just to get some and be done with it. While a serious relationship can sometimes turn into a hastle, it can be so much more satisfying than just sex. Anyhow, good luck with your search.