
it hurts to breath and i keep coughing. i'm starting to get a fever and i had bad chills last night. all symptoms of pneumonia but i don't have my health insurance yet so we'll never know. life is grand right now.
Read 6 comments
i hope you feel better! take lots of medicine!
I definatly told you this before, but i LIKE YOUR DIARY, ITS KOOL! OOOOPs I gots ma caps lock on! sowwey!

Well take care and dont be stranger! lol even though we are..Meh!

oh no..hope you're okay..I got real sick too..the day of my birthday..it sucked so bad..but I was in Mexico..and ate some bad food..my whole body was achy, and weak..my stomach was hurting..everything made me naucous(sp?) every smell..I had that sensation to want to throw up..my head hurt..I'd get dizzy..it was horrible..i couldn't even eat anything. So I've lost like 7 pounds..and I'm dehydrated..it's great lol..but I'm better now.
what is pneumonia??? i have no clue what that is i feel stupid reading sumthin and not knowing whta it is..and also well i feel stupid asking but o well...if it is really bad thing then i hope you get better..cuzz liek sum person once told me for ever bad thing that happenes you get double the good..but it hasnt workked for me yet so good luck..with your life and problems and whatever pneumonia is..

im outt x

get happy.bcuz.im not happy
being sick sucks!

hope you feel better.

take care.