
ok so my horoscope for tomorrow is this... "Life feels like an adventure now and you want a companion to share it with you. The good news is that someone is waiting for you to ask them to play with you. This can be a magical moment. Muster up the courage to seize it and to make something happen or this journey will only take place within the realms of your imagination. The choice is yours." i feel like that is so true! i so obviously want a companion, why else have i been jumping from guy to guy hoping one will stick. it says i need to make something happen...and with C9 i didn't call him. i feel like this is a sign that i should do as he asked and give him a call. but my guess is that it won't happen until i get drunk (liquid courage, ya know). well tomorrow is friday and i'll be partying and drinking so i'll update with results later! have a great weekend everyone. and any advice on what i should do will be greatly appreciated.
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thank you!

and Tom's pic is so hilarious!!
anyways...wanna play with me? :]
hahahahaha. i LOVE lettuce!
well... tom ahora si se las jalo means "tom really did pull his this time." which in spanish is an expression when someone tries to hard but its kinda sexual innuendo because it means he pull his schlong because he went "over the top" so much..in his case: a pink shirt and generic photograph. :]
so we both need companions and playing wouldn't hurt right? thats' what I meant.
quezo! lol.
it's not scrolling it's marqueeing!!! and yeah leo is my name :]
mmmmmmmmmmmmm... maybe!!!!
yeah me too, thanks babe.
yep tweaker syringe... all adds up. Well first off i wanna ask where u get your horoscope... Mine are retarded and i think that its a horoscope for old people.. well have a good day.. and best of luck with your "results".
my friend gave me it
are you a prostatut or something u whore

you prolly have aidsd from all the sex you have ...

first of all, learn to spell. it's prostitute. and no i'm not, i don't sell my body for money. and no i don't have aids nor will i ever. i practice safe sex and use condoms and birth control.
hey hey i just read an earlier entry of urs like 2 be4 this i think ur so like me i only want guys i cant have becoz i know i cant have them its werid n i suck!! i meet a gud guy n screw it up purposely n then look 2 him 4 blame, nice guys dont get a second glance, bad boys seem2rock i live 4parties n drunkness suits me best, i say theres nuthin wrong if ur happy but im not, u dont seem it either, but i hope u do get happy u deserve it =) emmy
Thanx much. ohh do u have to have aol to use those...? hmm well hope not. ttyl.