~69~ hehe 69 i mean umm The Fair

Listening to: mood rings-relient k
Feeling: meh
LALALALA well the fair was awesome it was soooo much fun we rode on liek all the things we wanted 2 and we ran into matt who was gunna get into a fight wit travis aww poor matty boy but then they didnt so we left duh lol and ummm stephy and spargo made out on the ferris wheel WOOP WOOP and umm i made up a dance 2 christians moms cell fones it was rly rly kool and did u know that christian w/o the christian is ::doesnt do ne thing:: yupyup thats wat it is lol we saw julian and ale and sam and anjelica and ali and laura and lauren and kevin and patricia and emily wow we saw a lto of ppl and of course e saw all the sluts that i hate lol and ummmm we saw MATT lol wait i already sed dat woops lol and paul he was hot!! wow and umm who else well en ways we saw alex silva and he and scot were like having sex lol jk....kinda lol and ummm we had a lot of fun and then jamie killed goldfish and amanda jamie and steph spent liek a lot of money on eggs........ wow lol and umm wen we were leaving we saw matt and travis punched him in the face sadness :( awww poor matt i wanted 2 kill travis that stupid bitch BUT i didnt i contained my anger cuz i didnt wanna like embarasse matt or nething lol and ummmm then mariana and valeria stayed over and ya we like fell asleep lol well ya it was soooooooooooooo fun idk wat were doing today but we'll c lol g2g Love Always-Andrea
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