^^in a really stupid way.^^
i think it was better not knowing. because it hurts now... and... god.... well... i dont know. sometimes he is so nice.
well, here's to summer. it will DEFINITELY be more fucked up than last year.
here's to paranoia. worryinga bout your friend hooking up w/ your ex
here's to misery. being angry for liking your ex and worrying about him getting w/ your friend
here's to sunburns. may i someday die of melanoma
here's to the pool. may i spend hours in your waters drowning my problems in something that.. well... i dont know what
here's to the nail clippers: may you always be at my disposal and help with my relief
here's to jordan: may you understand how i feel for you and maybe actually think about it
here's to arjay: dont hurt me anymore
here's to the rest of whatever: fuck you too
and yet... he signed off.. five minutes later he gets back on and seems... nice... in a weird way....