Listening to: mike park- on that stage
Feeling: good
i finally got my liscence today! the guy told me i prolly shouldnt have passed though. he told me turn left and i went straight. than i forgot that if youre turning left ata green light you have to yield so i stated to turn when the light went green and he freaked out so i slammed on my breaks. he was like "you werent going to go where you?" isaid"no -i was just pulling out." then he told me i was straddling the lane.hesaid"i can tell you havent driven much."
oh well for some reason he passed me anyway.
i drove to marsh and bought pez.mmm.then i drove to starbucksto meet jackie after she got off work. it was embarrasisng cause it took me about 5 tries to park my car and people were staring at me. and someone honked at me on my way there. fuck impatient people.
tomorrow im driving to broad ripplethat should be interesting.
jenny pOO
jenny pOO