you've got such tired eyes

i got a 7 out of 30 on my math quiz and 30 out of 50 on my chemistry test. and i thought i was improving. wow. i miss my cat. i let jen cut my bangs on friday. i dont know why,since the last time turned out so well (maybe it had something to do with us being 8.) i hope i dont have most likely just incredibly lazy. im going to atlanta in a little over a week. cant wait.
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hey. pretty diary =)
AHHH i hate Chemistry! Don't feel too bad. once i got a 0% on a quiz. The sad thing is that i was REALLY trying. school is evil, we should have to take classes we'll never need. (i promice i'll never need to know the mole weight of HCL in a 4 liter flask) IT IS USELESS!!
EEEK ATL...when and why? : )
Hey... you inspired me to download some Postal Service songs.. they're pretty good ... the guy's voice sounds A LOT like Ben Gibbard's... crazy.
i miss my cat too.

i need to move back in with the g-rents.


Wow... today in pop culture... that was beautiful.