and the calender hangs itself

i went to the final geraldine show with jordan last night. it was decent, but i get bored with that stuff easily. i may have gotten called a bitch there. which is kinda cool since it happens so rarely (to my face i mean), butit was likely they were saying it to jordan anyway. we left a little early and went to the y show. we are cool so we didn't have to pay. the only way i am ever going to another y show is if i get in free again. so many young kids there. that is what school will be like next year. weird. the entire experience of last night made me very glad i do not have a "group." there is so much drama with them. i am thankful for my odd assortment of awesome friends who i never fight with. i love you all. anyway. tuesday- sell subscriptions at freshmen orientation chelcie's birthday dinner wednesday- registration thursday- dinner at the govenor's mansion friday- newspaper lock-in. (what better way to spend the last friday of summer?) saturday- work all night (what better way to spend the last saturday of summer?) next wednesday- school starts next friday- agony scene show! 8/23- new bayside album 8/30- new death cab album! 9/3- i turn the big one eight 9/6?- new against me! album 9/30- against me! show in bloomington!/possible iu visit
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dude we have to go to agony scene together...

i guess we cant roll our eyes at eachother without ppl thinking we are evil.

oh well.
Oh boy I am loved.

I need more energy drinks Cami.