there is something wrong with me

school starts in one week.for some reason everytime i think about it makes me want to throw up or cry.weird. i was all emotional before practice yesterday.i hate when i get that way. i kept thinking about how things are changing.change makes me nervous. all i could think while i was running was how i just wanted to get in my car and listen the ataris.that cd just always makes me feel good and i hadnt heard it for months.and it really did make me feel better. i have so much i need to be doing but all ican think about is how much i just want to still hoping chicago will work. --- this site works at school!
Read 2 comments
there is something wrong with me too.
the diary is quite nice, i like the background and layout of the entire site. to bad about your obvious anxiety attacks i recommend some sort of medication, such as an SSRI regiment plan, look it would help i guarantee it, either way nice diary get meds...bye