Top Eleven Things I hate about people

When people applaud after watching a film. Do they really think the actors/actresses are going to hear them? They didn’t hear you warn them about the monster behind them, they aren’t going to hear you applauding you goons. People who tell me they’re nice. Could you have found a more meaningless word to describe your best characteristic? If you’re trying to impress me, you’re doing a “nice” job. Why don’t you go frolic with your other nice friends and eat some nice cake and make some nice shots of your own vanity?! When people say they’re “fine”. Well how exactly can you be fine? You don’t look overly emaciated, if you were I’d tell you to go to the hospital. Hair can look fine, you can’t. People who are worried about what they eat; where it came from, how it was prepared, how it was killed. This is ridiculous and this morbid fear of death sickens me to the core. You’re going to die, you’re most definitely going to be forgotten and in the over all scheme of things, you mean nothing! Deal with it! The Rights of Man. This one really gets to me. For the most part it’s a spectacular idea, but when it gets down to it, not very practical and extremely hypocritical. These are supposed to be the inalienable rights of every human being, yet there are a greater number of people without these rights solely because of their gender or ethnicity. People who say “you need therapy” just because you don’t fit in with society. I agree that’s exactly what this free thinker needs, brain washing. So he can be like the rest of us, and function like a good little cog. If therapy is the solution to all of society’s problems, public schools should make therapy mandatory, that way these people can be “converted” faster and more efficiently. I think therapy is the new Inquisition. When people say, “Get a life”. This is usually meant to be an insult. It’s always made me kind of wonder. What’s wrong with the one I have? Why do you get to say what a “life” is and isn’t? You don’t have any major degrees in sociology or philosophy. If I don’t have one, where can I get one, do they sell them at a store or on eBay? Maybe I have to steal a child; they always say a child is a new life. If you’re suggesting that I should kidnap I think you need therapy. People who complain about germs. I say deal with it, they’re all around you and inside of you, if you can’t cope with them then die already! You’re weak and don’t deserve to live! What are you going to do when a super virus comes along that turns all your organs into liquid and makes you cough up your lungs? Anti-drug or smoke commercials that tell you 1 out of 2 people will die from their habit. The rest I guess are lumped under the cozy title of “natural causes”. Well what exactly is “natural causes”. I suppose you could consider a meteor crashing into your forehead a natural cause. Well how come these people who die (by a drug manufactured by something natural) get to be excluded? I don’t really know of many people that have been killed by a cigarette. Most of the time smokers and other drug addicts die of similar things to other people, heart attack, massive brain trauma, suffocating, and massive blood loss. These are perfectly natural ways to die. A good example of this is, being cut with a knife. The knife doesn’t actually kill you the blood loss does. So really whatever caused your natural death is irrelevant because it doesn’t kill you, you kill you. The way we mercilessly butcher the English language. People would defend that the English language is a living and breathing thing that changes. People would also jump off buildings, eat poison and irritate dangerous animals, this is not very credible behaviour. We invented the written word so we could spread knowledge world wide and in mass numbers. However this could only be achieved if there was a proper structure and order to everything so there were no confusions while reading it. Since the written language is much like our spoken language it would make since to structure both. But alas, that is not the case, English gets more bastardized every second than any other language in the world, those sort of evolving and mutation makes literature a very challenging task. Come on people let’s get it together and stop destroying our language. The largest contributor to the debauchery of English would have to be rap. A culture of talentless musicians that make millions by appealing to peoples inferiority complex. They probably do a better job than most psychiatrists for exploiting this condition. However, if there ever was a building that stood for linguistic integrity, rap would be the fire that left it in ashes. These king pins of the pop culture think they are leading society into a more diverse future, I think they’re leading them into a brick wall of stupid. Soon writing will go the way of latin, and everybody will be writing like a teenager on msn. The day “lol” becomes acceptable in a formal essay, is the day I hope God activates the apocalypse.
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