
work job job school school work jobjob jobbb school work. my schedual? hah. Its fine. Im handleing it pretty well. I Probably should be doing hw right now though. But anyways, Yeah jobs going well, schools going well. And im doing alright. Apparently im losing weight too so thats always good. Its cuz im so damn busy i dont have time to eat unless someone swings by the mall and will go get me food. But yeah I'm pretty happy right now. I cant say anything is really bothering me. I bought a whole bunch of pillows and pillow cases for my bed. And i rearranged my room. It looks so great. I should shove that in my ex intr. design teachers 80s tacky style loving butt. Hah. But yeah, No one reads this anymore. I dont care. I think ill print it all out and make a book when i decide im done with it. If SitD is still around then. I think ill do some hw right now.. or sleep. But ok bye.
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