Listening to: Guns N\' Roses - Coma
Feeling: woozy
I'm bored. I wish I had something to do.
I don't have any good ideas for titles anymore. Considering some of the previous titles, I guess you could say I never did. Soo... numbers it is.
*air guitar solo*
You can see how bored I am. Hmmm... maybe I'll go watch the football game.
Hmmm... I wonder if I should make the entry background a shade of blue to match the picture in the background?
"I'm climbin' through the wreackage, of all my twisted dreams."
EDIT: HAH! I did. I wish I got a better shade though.
Sorry if the colours are an eyesore right now. Its a work in progress.
EDIT(10:15PM): My hair looks extremely creepy right now. It kinda looks like Darcy Tucker's hair but more poofy. I like it!
.:*Johna Lynn*:.
love ya,
muah... -Crysa
.:*johna lynn*:.