
Feeling: happy
Finally, school's out. Bwahahahaha. Damn year went by bloody fast though. Good year nonetheless. Lately I've been in an AFI mood. AFI rocks. MUSIC CHANGE: Audioslave - Cochise My science exam was killer easy. All of my exams (all two of them) were extremely easy. MUSIC CHANGE: Audioslave - Show Me How To Live God damn, I have nothing to say. Hurray for threesome's with poles! Later. EDIT: HAHA!! I JUST BURNT FRODO'S ARM HAIRS OFF!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I can't stop laughing, lol. Goddamn, it stank like a bitch. Haha, I reccomend you all try it. Not to yourself though. I suspect it would hurt. Do it to a friend. Bwahahaha. This is shaping up to be a fun afternoon. Later, again.
Read 3 comments
Hurray for no school!!!!!!!! :)
You SOB!! I have to wear a wristband over my singed hair!!!
