
Feeling: angry
Haha, like my previous entry? I do. I think it was great. Nikki didn't though. But who cares? Ok, recap for y'all... Saturday: Nothing. Sunday: Nothing Monday: Don't remember. Tuesday: Cavell and me broke up. Wednesday: Practice. Thursday: Don't remember. Friday: Baseball game, lost both games. Saturday: Nothing. Sunday: Nothing. And now comes today. What happened today? Haha, well, I had to wear a dress in Comm-Tech. I'm afraid of what Nikki is going to do with thouse pictures though. I finally got the Brand New CD from Alicia. At least some shit went right today. We faced Bowmanville in baseball. We were high spirited, they're pushovers. We'll win, no prob, right? Wrong. Lost both games by huge margins. We scored 3 runs in two games. They scored 30. Our pitching blowed for the entire game. Timmy has to stop with the knuckler. He throws it away more then he gets it across the plate. And when he does get it across the plate, the other team hits it downtown. Henry didn't have a great game either. I think his arm kills him even with all the Rub A535 he used. He uses too much Rub A535. The entire team uses too much, I'll admit it. Hell, even I use it. I even use that Ice shit the guys have. It numbs your arm so you can throw it as hard as you possibly can without getting any pain. I love it. I need to get me a tube. Could be very dangerous though. It relaxes the muscle so theres a genuine possibility that your muscle will become so relaxed that it'll tear when you unload it. And since I'm an outfielder, I throw it a long distance and harder so theres an even greater chance that my muscle will tear. It works great for a while but now that the game is over and I haven't re-applied it in a while my arm is killing me. I'll put some Deep-Heat on it and it'll be fine. Our record is 1-5 now. We have a great team, but the attitude blows goats. I am so pissed off about that. We have a speedy leadoff hitter in Kirby, powerful guys capable of hitting major dingers in Hickson, Roberts, Copperthorn and Henry, Billy is a decent hitter. Mark just blows. I'm decent, and Hinton is a great catcher. We have decent pitchers in Timmy and Henry. The attitude is killing us though. Kirby is always rattling the crappy players like Wilson. Kirby also doesn't try, he's very fast, but he never uses that speed to his advantage. Half the team is half-assing it and it kills me. Me and Billy talked about it, we're never going to get anywhere with this attitude. Oh well. Next year'll be better. By the way, I got hit by a pitch twice and stole second. Anyhoo, I gotta do my math test after school tomorrow. Blows goats, Linds said it was hard. I'll have to see. I have a feeling this is the longest entry I've ever written. There you go Nikki. Happy? Nah, I bet she'll complain to me on MSN about how its too long and shit. :P Later. EDIT(7:00) HAHA!!! I was right!!!

Randy! *heart* ~If I Reached Out And Touched The Rain, It Just Wouldn't Feel The Same!!~ says: bah too long †M¥ ÑÂME Χ §LÁ§H™† Come on, feel the noise! Girls rock your boys! says: i knew you'd say that

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ugh long and boring