
THE NHL IS BACK!! YES! THIS CALLS FOR A SEXAY PARTEH!! Frodo, you're in charge of hookers. John, bring food. I'll bring the people and the music. Who wants to come to my parteh?
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yay'ness for the end of the lockout!!!!

Hey andrew-mandrew! I am going to start to call you Mondrew, like beniffer? ya kno?

o well i am so coming to your Sexay Parteh! And i am bringing the Smexy Stuart! weeeee ^_^

lindseh out!
thanks man... thats the best thing u can do
wait...since when was i in change of getting hookers?

Stuart is so allowed at the parteh! there would be no parteh with out him, evel mondrew!

-Lindseh out!
ya the NHL is back but they are changing a lot of things in it, its stupid. GO DETROIT...THE LEAFS BLOW!
Stuart is with me! no Stuart, no me...and i will keep dave at home too! or i will sneek Stuart in! He is coming to the parteh, or else! Stuarts gonna be my date ^-^ Mondrew........you suck

-Lindseh out