
Listening to: Rise Against - Fix Me
Feeling: melancholy
Ok, this is getting riddiculious. Now Linds bullied me into writing a new entry. Sheesh. I half-assed an entry yesterday, no one bothered to read it though, lol. Well, once again, it's my 150 entry. heh, I already had a 150th entry, but I deleted some old entries, and now this is the 150th entry. Horrah! Ok, well then, uh, what did I do over the last 12 days... hmmmmmm. Well, I was grounded for a week, lmao. Then the last 5 days I was just too lazy to update. Heh, I had my hair totalleh straight on Thursday. Totalleh uber-cool. Randy had his pool parteh yesterday. It was uber-cool. Yay for burping contests and noodles! Music Change: Rise Against - Paper Wings It better not rain on Wednesday. I wanna play hockey dammit! Heh, and revisit the violation shed. Woo. Go violation! Later. "Please don’t ask me just what I think, trust me, you don’t want to know."
Read 4 comments
hurray for the violation shed :D
dude, thats the new goal, kill the backstreet boys!

uhhhh i hope it rains x_x meh daddeh will come home then

I am bored, can i come along and watch hockey? I have nothing better to do XD and i got a new camera so i will take pics of all yous freaks!
well, maybe you should write entries more often so people don't bully you into it.

congrats on your 150th
-bully bully-

I am just a big bully you kno...and i am bored...so don't ask...

-person who ish scared of spiders-